DO-260A and DO-260B data parsingTwo independent transmitters and receiversTX/RX data logging capabilityFull diversity testing capabilityData parsing in engineering unitsPulse and frequency measurementUAT TX/RX capability (optional)Agilent HP 70950A光谱分析仪Agilent HP 70950B光谱分析仪Agilent HP 70951A...
予患者每天甲泼尼龙联合IVIG治疗5 d,红斑逐渐转暗,水疱、糜烂面较前干燥,无明显新发水疱,但出现总胆红素、直接胆红素、间接胆红素进行性升高。第6天甲泼尼龙减量120 mg,胆红素仍持续升高,继续维持丙种球蛋白每天10 g输注。第9天患者皮疹...
An orthopaedic implant comprising a titanium substrate having silver deposited thereon, wherein the silver is operable to be eluted at a rate of at least 0.25 μg/cm2 24h-1, for at least 14 consecutive days, in use. The invention also extends to a method of producing an orthopaedic implant...
When my daughter Julie was six years old, she wrote a letter to the tooth fairy and put it under her pillow with her tooth. I wrote back,tellingher to be a good girl and to always brush her teethcarefully. I didn’t know we...
试验前详细了解受试者的病情,应在哮喘非发作期进行;近期未接触变应原,至少1周内无哮喘发作;近4周无气道感染病史,无喘息及呼吸困难症状,无甲状腺功能亢进及心脏病史,了解近期药物使用情况,进行体格检查,试验前第1秒用力呼气容积(forced ...
术后1月行辅助放化疗,化疗方案:NDP 80mg/m2,Q3W*,放疗方案为 VMAT技术,原发灶6810 cGy/30F,区域淋巴结5400 cGy/30F。 术后诊断 外耳道恶性肿瘤(左,中分化鳞状细胞癌 pT4N0M0) 极重度感音神经性聋(左) 周围性面瘫(左)(5级...
杀白细胞素(Panton-Valentine leukocidin,PVL)和γ-溶血素(γ-hemolysin,Hlg)主要破坏免疫细胞,如多核细胞和巨噬细胞,从而引起皮肤软组织脓肿形成[38]。既往报道pvl基因在CA-MRSA中的携带率明显高于MSSA[39],但近期在法国出现了pvl(+)-...
替格瑞洛组心肌梗死溶栓治疗临床试验法出血分级标准(thrombolysis in myocardial infarction,TIMI)大出血率(90 mg组为2.60%,60 mg组为2.30%)高于安慰剂组(1.06%),差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.01),但3组颅内出血和致死性出血的发生率分别为0.63%、0.71%和0...
参考文献[1] 国家心血管病中心. 中国心血管健康与疾病报告2021[M]. 北京: 科学出版社, 2022.[2] Hu GL, Zhou MG, Liu J, et al. Smoking and provision of smoking cessation interventions among inpatients with acute coronary syndrome in China: fi...