执行命令name-servername-server[vpn-instancevpn-instance-name],配置接收DDNS更新消息的域名服务器。 缺省情况下,未配置接收DDNS更新消息的域名服务器。 (可选)执行命令intervalinterval-time,指定DDNS更新启动后,定时发起更新请求的时间间隔。 缺省情况下,定时发起更新请求的时间间隔为3600秒。
Can't access SSL-secured web content from Remote Desktop Server Can't add own application to RemoteApps - "You must specify a file from the RD Session Host server SERVERNAME by using the UNC path... Can't change username... Can't connect to any resources via RD Gateway from External ...
In order for CA to access user and computer objects in another forest, it has to be able to chase LDAP referrals returned from CA’s domain controller (DC). Did you enable LDAP referrals on CA server? If not, enable them and restart certificate services:...
However, when logging into the Pillar Axiom Storage Services Manager using secure HTTP (HTTPS), for example to download the GUI, utilities, or documentation or to check system status or recent alerts, you might see warnings that the server certificate is not issued by a trusted authority. The...
01-23-2019 15:34:06.943 +0900 INFO ServerConfig - My hostname is "ip-10-0-0-103.ap-northeast-1.compute.internal". 01-23-2019 15:34:06.954 +0900 INFO ServerConfig - SSL session cache path enabled 0 session timeout on SSL server 300.000 01-23-2019 15:34:06.954 +0900 INFO ServerCo...
hostname# cd flash:/config/ 関連コマンド コマンド 説明 pwd 現在の作業ディレクトリを表示します。 certificate 指定した証明書を追加するには、暗号 CA 証明書チェーン モードで certificate コマンドを使用します。このコマンドを使用する場合、セキュリティ アプ...
Server: UnKnown Address: ::1 _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.domain.local SRV service location: * priority = 0* * weight = 100* * port = 389* * svr hostname = DC1.domain.local* _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.domain.local SRV service location: ...
com.vmware.vim25.ArrayOfHostScsiTopologyTarget.class com.vmware.vim25.ArrayOfHostService.class com.vmware.vim25.ArrayOfHostServiceConfig.class com.vmware.vim25.ArrayOfHostSnmpDestination.class com.vmware.vim25.ArrayOfHostSslThumbprintInfo.class com.vmware.vim25.ArrayOfHostStorageArrayTypePolicyOption....
执行命令name-servername-server[vpn-instancevpn-instance-name],配置接收DDNS更新消息的域名服务器。 缺省情况下,未配置接收DDNS更新消息的域名服务器。 (可选)执行命令intervalinterval-time,指定DDNS更新启动后,定时发起更新请求的时间间隔。 缺省情况下,定时发起更新请求的时间间隔为3600秒。