50 Great Short Stories 作者: Milton (editor) (Katherine Mansfield; Dorothy Parker; J. D. Salinger; Fra Crane 出版社: Bantam Books出版年: 1979页数: 592装帧: Mass Market PaperbackISBN: 9780553123500豆瓣评分 8.5 478人评价 5星 43.3% 4星 42.3% 3星 13.4% 2星 0.8% 1星 0.2% ...
作者: Milton Crane 出版社: Bantam Classics出版年: 1984-08-01页数: 672定价: USD 6.99装帧: Mass Market PaperbackISBN: 9780553272949豆瓣评分 9.2 22人评价 5星 59.1% 4星 31.8% 3星 9.1% 2星 0.0% 1星 0.0% 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 ...
50 Great Short Stories 《50 Great Short Stories》是Bantam Books出版的图书,作者是Milton (editor) Katherine Mansfield; Dorothy Parker; J. D. Salinger; Fra Crane
《50 GREAT AMERICAN SHORT STORIES》是Bantam Classics出版的图书。作者简介 Milton Crane is Professor Emeritus of English Language and Literature at George Washington University and the University of Chicago. His is the author several books and articles on English literature, as well as the editor of ...
英语的输入和输出是同等重要的,所以Dora今天就分别推荐一本趣味十足的故事集50 Great Short Stories,和一本干货十足的写作指导On Writing Well。 50 Great Short Stories ▼ On Writing Well ▼ 50 Great Short Stories 《美国短篇小说精粹50篇》是1983年美出版的图书,作者是MiltonCrane。书中收录了全世界最棒的50...
【孔夫子旧书网】50 GREAT AMERICAN SHORT STORIES(美国短篇小说精粹50篇)。作者:Milton Crane,出版社:bantam books,售价:65,出版人:bantam books,年代:1955,装帧:0,线装:,刻印方式:,册数:0
华研原版 Fifty Great American Short Stories 50篇著名美国短篇小说 英文原版书 进口书籍 英文版 轻巧轻巧便携 爱伦坡 舍伍德 欧文 瓶中手稿 作者:[美国]Milton Crane出版社:Bantam出版时间:2008年09月 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价 降价通知 ¥36.00
英文原版50篇短篇小说 Fifty Great Short Stories 全英文版小说 短篇小说精粹50篇 进口书籍 正版 现货 作者:MiltonCrane出版社:Penguin Random House Inc, USA出版时间:1983年08月 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价降价通知 ¥22.00 配送至 广东深圳市 至北京市东城区...
Milton Crane is Professor Emeritus of English Language and Literature at George Washington University and the University of Chicago. His is the author several books and articles on English literature, as well as the editor of the Bantam anthology, 50 Great American Short Stories. ...