Annually ranking the top 50 best restaurants and bars around the world. The World's 50 Best Restaurants, is owned and run by William Reed Business Media, the same organisation behind The World's 50 Best Bars.
6月20日晚,2023“世界50最佳餐厅”榜单(The World's 50 Best Restaurants 2023),在西班牙瓦伦西亚正式揭晓。去年亚军利马Central餐厅今年一举夺魁,成为南美史上首家获得世界最佳餐厅荣誉的餐厅。紧随其后的是两家西班牙餐厅——巴塞罗那的Disfrutar和马德里的Diverxo。Central,利马 “世界50最佳餐厅”评委会由1080名行...
Annually ranking the top 50 best restaurants and bars around the world. The World's 50 Best Restaurants, is owned and run by William Reed Business Media, the same organisation behind The World's 50 Best Bars.
Annually ranking the top 50 best restaurants and bars around the world. The World's 50 Best Restaurants, is owned and run by William Reed Business Media, the same organisation behind The World's 50 Best Bars.
Calvert掌勺,主打新派法式料理,餐厅位于东京丸之内四季酒店7楼,灵感源自法国香槟区同名小镇。Sézanne曾于2022年以No.17首度入选Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants“亚洲50最佳餐厅”榜单。颁奖典礼上也公布了多项特别奖项得主。曼谷的Haoma获颁Sustainable Restaurant Award“可持续餐厅奖”。图片来源:品牌提供 ...
2024年3月26日,位于东京的Sézanne在2024年度Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants“亚洲50最佳餐厅”现场颁奖典礼上荣获由S.Pellegrino(圣培露)和Acqua Panna(普娜)赞助的The Best Restaurant in Asia“亚洲最佳餐厅奖”。此颁奖典礼由50 Best与主办目的地合作伙伴Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs,MAFRA(韩国...
50 Best Restaurants The 2019 Miele One To Watch recognises the exceptional qualities of Lido 84 in Lake Garda, Italy. A modern study in classicism On the western shores of Lake Garda sits Ristorante Lido 84 – a place considered as Italy’s biggest open secret by its clientele of well-...
The Best of the Best group is formed of all the restaurants that have topped the annual poll of The World’s 50 Best Restaurants over its 18-year history, which are no longer eligible to be voted on the list.
The World's 50 Best Restaurants #5 Pujol 墨西哥城,墨西哥 #10 Le Calandre 鲁巴诺,意大利 #46 Belcanto 里斯本,葡萄牙 #50 SingleThread 希尔兹堡,美国 5 墨西哥 PUJOL PUJOL的世界排名逐年上升,它的进阶历程见证了拉丁美洲美食力量的崛起,是墨西哥人的骄傲。 餐厅的主厨和创始人Enrique Olvera的一...
World Best 50 Restaurants 评选的不止50家餐厅哦~还有第51-100名的排名呢!纽约还有2家入选!(去年是3家,Chef's Table at Brooklyn Fare 因闭店重开风波今年掉出了榜单) No. 71Le Bernardin 纽约顶级海鲜餐厅Le Bernardin,也是各大榜单的钟爱。不仅连续多年蝉联米其林三星,拿下过Zagat 评选的纽约最佳餐厅,也长...