[5-hydroxyconiferyl alcohol]化源网提供5-hydroxyconiferyl alcoholCAS号1782-47-4,5-hydroxyconiferyl alcoholMSDS及其说明、性质、英文名、生产厂家、作用/用途、分子量、密度、沸点、熔点、结构式等。CAS号查询5-hydroxyconiferyl alcohol上化源网,专业又轻松。
5-hydroxyconiferyl alcohol | 1782-47-4 - chemical and physical properties, structure, melting point, boiling point, density, molecular formula, molecular weight, uses, prices, suppliers, and toxicity/safety/hazards/SDS information.
英文名称Coniferyl alcohol 应用Coniferyl alcohol was used as a fungal growth inhibitor. 储存温度-20°C储存 运输条件超低温冰袋运输 产品介绍 Coniferyl alcohol is one of the preferred substrate of the eucalpytus globus enzyme.Coniferyl alcohol was used as a fungal growth inhibitor. ...
英文名称: 5-hydroxyconiferyl alcohol 英文同义词: 5-hydroxyconiferyl alcohol CAS号: 1782-47-4 分子式: C10H12O4 分子量: 196.19988 EINECS号: 信息错误报告 您的Email: 按国家浏览5-hydroxyconiferyl alcohol国外供应商 中国供应商 5-hydroxyconiferyl alcohol 推荐供应商 建议您优先选择企业会员,我们对企业...