在研究项目的初始阶段,需要提交开题报告,清晰地概述研究问题、研究意义、研究价值以及研究的重要性。这意味着你需要阐述为什么要进行该研究,你试图填补现有研究中存在的哪些空白以及你打算如何填补这些空白,或者如何解决那些突出的问题。本文将讨论如何找到研究空白(Research Gap)并确定原创性研究课题。 熟悉现有的学术文献、...
5GAP模型,指的是服务质量差距模型(Service Quality Model),它是由美国营销学家帕拉休拉曼、赞瑟姆、贝利等人提出的,专门用来分析客户满意度和服务质量问题根源的。 无论是“产品驱动”还是“服务驱动”型的企业,凡是需要跟客户打交道,必有服务的成分存在。因此,5GAP模型的应用十分广泛。尤其是在零售、餐饮、酒店,医...
一文搞定论文Research Gap! | Research gap的分类: 1️⃣理论性研究缺口 关键信息:现有理论或模型在解释某些现象时的局限性。 核心重点:提出新的理论框架,或对现有理论进行修改,以更好地解释或预测这些现象。 2️⃣方法论研究缺口 关键信息:现有研究方法无法充分或有效地探索或解决特定问题。
小tips:在文献conclusion部分一般会有 limitation和suggestions for future research 这时候,搜索下文献中提到的问题有没有被研究,如果没有的话,就可以作为我们的research gap啦 ✅Gap statement句式 知道了有哪些类型gap以及如何找之外,我们可以用一些固定的句式地道的表达gap,句式模板整理在图5-6啦,赶紧🐎住 ...
It is my belief that with structured career planning initiatives, we can empower students to make more informed choices and bridge the gap between their academic pursuits and professional aspirations. It is also my hope that this survey will provide ...
31.What is the point the article tries to make? A) Non-official status of a political organization involves terrorist suspicion. B) Terrorism defies clear-cut distinction. C) Terrorist element exists in every violent conflict. D) Government actions are never guilty of terrorism. ...
1. What is the topic of the reported research? 2. Who are the researchers? 3. What is the research purpose? 4. What are the major findings of the reported research? 5. What is the method adopted in the research? 6. What are the implications of the research? 7. What is the ...
Whatqualities do famous people have?What kinds of people are likely to becomefamous? Do people tend tochoose the best people as their role model? 6.Part 2 Describe something you ownthat you want to replace You should say: What it is Where it is How you got it And explain why you...
A. English pronunciations differ. B. The research has a limitation. C. The cultural gap is narrowing. D. Listening skills vary in cultures. 11. What is the significance of the research? A. Clarifying the influence ...
Related: What to Know About Diversity and Inclusion at Law Firms Working for a Startup If you have a background in science or engineering, or if you’re interested in the financial or business side of law, consider a smaller firm. Joining an untested venture is the kind ...