2、录音中提到,一位高中老师称交谈能力可能是最被老师忽视,因而没能传授给学生的技能(conversational competence might be the single most over looked skill we fail to teach),并接着对此进行具体解释:学生每天只盯着屏幕,缺乏了锻炼交流技能的机会,但这个技能偏偏是现今最为重要的。因此,这位高中老师认为对话难以...
When I married my wife, I promised her I would listen to her every day as if for the first time. Now that's something I fall short of on a daily basis. But it's a great intention to have in a relationship. But that's not all. Sound places...
https://ideas.ted.com/7-smart-ways-to-use-technology-in-classrooms/ TED | 10 ways to have a better conversation Celeste Headlee有数年的电台主持人经历,她认为诚实、简洁、清晰,以及适量的倾听是成功对话的要素。她以i...
I am applying this “shut up” rule to a conversation. You can’t be completely silent when having a conversation. At some point, you’re going to have to talk.BUT here’s a secret. That moment is probably not as soon as you think it is. I think this is the ...
If you wish you had the natural ability to make conversation that the people you admire have, don’t despair. Having meaningful conversations is something that can be learned, and with focus and practice, we can all become better at it. ...
Piggybacking off the previous best practice of putting what you’ve heard into action, one of the simplest ways to be a great listener is closing the loop! We’ve all been doing this one since we’ve been interviewing for jobs. You know—that “thanks for talking with me” email that ...
Celeste Headlee: 10 ways to have a better conversationif you just choose one of them and master it, you'll already enjoy better conversations: Number one: Don't multitask. 不要三心二意 Number two: Don't pontificate. 不要好为人师(-- 别成为教皇?) 如果你想,请写一篇博客 : p ...
PAGE 231 Lesson23 声音训练师:聆听的5个技巧 5 ways to listen better Speaker: Julian Treasure 英文版 00:00 We are losing our listening. We spend roughly 60 percent of our communication time listening, but were not very good at it. We retain just 25 percent of what we hear. Now -- not...
5 Tough Money Talks to Have With Your Aging Parents More Getty Images None of these conversations are easy, but they're all vitally important. Your parents probably, at some point, had the "birds and the bees" talk with you or a discussion about the danger of dr...
We call this a language exchange. 我们称之为语言交换。 Such exchanges can be one of the best ways to improve your conversation skills. Qiu says they have given him the chance to experience the difference between real life conversation and classroom learning. 此类交流可能是提高会话技巧的最佳方法...