5' UTR,3' UTR 叫作 untranslated region ,而 introns 叫作non-coding RNA。一段基因序列上包含外显子和内含子,转录的时候,pre-RNA就是前体RAN上会有内含子和外显子,成为成熟RNA时,内含子已经被剪切了,只保留外显子,所以内含子叫作非编码RNA(non-coding RNA)。但成熟的RNA上也是有一部分序列并不翻译成蛋白...
Percentage of mapped reads onto the regions of exons, introns, 5′ -UTRs, 3′ -UTRs, and 10-kb transcribed region upstream and downstream from coding regions in the PFC, STR, and...
Extract 3'UTR, 5'UTR, CDS, Promoter, Genes, Introns, Exons from GTF files - saketkc/gencode_regions
(A) The DUP5-1 minigene shown here contains three exons and two introns derived from human 尾-globin gene and is essentially identical to previously described version 46 except that vector ...
3‘UTR(3’Un-translated region)从终止密码子到mRNA 3’末端的拖尾序列 功能:不被翻译,但对提高...
Exons, Introns, and Talking Genes: The Science Behind the Human Genome Projectdoi:10.1017/S0730938400011539MacDiarmid William D.Cambridge University PressWills, C. (1991). Exons, introns, and talking genes: The science behind the Human Genome Project. New York: Basic Books....