Listen and reviewDirtyleave droppings are flying over 200 get lost Amazing 设计者:李楠大连市第八十三中学 Grammar focus Pigeon surprise Day 1 We ' re studying birds for Bird Week at school . Some lucky kids got penguins . But I have to write about ... pigeons ! Day 2 I ' m watching ...
3.She lost her(儿子)in the big city.4.I sit down between my mother and her(孙女).5.He wants to make as much money as(可能的)6.I have a(头疼)these days.7.My mother spends two hours doing(家务活)every day..8.Most people have to work on(工作日).二、用所给单词的适当形式填空...
small animals, nuts, and insects. When they are tired, they build nests in the trees. But they rarely sleep there for more than a night or two. Then they move on to look for more food.
heard the trial in strict accordance with the law and ensured that Yang Jun fully exercised his procedural rights. The court also respected and ensured the Australian side’s consular rights, including the right to consular visits and notifications, and arranged for the Australian side to sit in...
Repeat this process a few times until you are comfortable with the material.Fourthly, rereading the chapter.Students are often encouraged to re-read a chapter on the night before an exam to reinforce what they've learned. Rereading is a good tactic as a last step.Just like the other ...
A.tosit;and B.sitting;but C.sit;or D.tosit;or2.Thelittlegirl___speakEnglishwell,althoughsheisonlyfive.A.isableto B.issimilarto C.isupto D.isreadyto3.—Susanisinhospital.—I’msorrytohearthat.I___hertomorrow.A.visit B.wouldvisit C.amvisiting D.amgoingtovisit4.Lookatthedarkclouds!
Fortunately, right outside my door was a corridor light that cast a glow into my room. The glow was enough to read by, once my eyes adjusted to it. So when "lights out" came, I would sit on the floor where I could continue reading in that glow. ...
thescaredandpassivepeople couldn’t goelsewherebut sit in the square of thekindergarten, listening to thechairmantellfables. Motherswhisperedwith theirlipsopen and their children sleeping ontheirlapsregardless of the mosquitobites. Thechairman told...
shouldbelargeenoughtostandout.Itshouldalsoincludeinformationonwherethesaleislocatedwithdirections, the"hot"itemsyou'resellingandthetimewhenthesalewillstartandend.Anadshouldbeplacedatleasttwo daysbeforethesaleandrununtilthedayofyourevent.Thatwaypeoplecanplantheirroutetothesaleinadvance. Signsmustbeanothergreatwa...