Basic Needs, Non-Renewable Resources and Growth in the Context of North-South Relations (Necesidades Basicas, Recursos No Renovables Y Crecimiento En El Co... Basic Needs, Non-Renewable Resources and Growth in the Context of North-South Relations (Necesidades Basicas, Recursos No Renovables Y ...
FernandoLuacesDomínguez,DirectordeIngenieríayProyectosdelaUNECA,S.A.,Presidente,proyectoi[ta] JorgeAlbertoMesaGarcía,EspecialistaPrincipalGrupoComercialEMPROYNo.2,Vicepresidente,mesai[ta] ManuelA.AriasPérez,DirectordeRecursosHumanosdeCUBIZA,Vicepresidentemanueldesarrolloi[ta]cubiza....
RESERVA MATEMTICA ACTUARIAL PARA LA EXTRACCIN DE RECURSOS NO-RENOVABLES A PARTIR DE VARIABLES DE PRDIDA NO-NEGATIVAS Based on the traditional definition of the actuarial mathematical reserve of a whole life insurance, the mathematical reserve for a non-renewable resource ... R Real Miranda,JD Lp...