Super Simple You might also like baby songs from LittleBabyBum.They have a popular version of The Wheels on the Bus, 5 Little Speckled Frogs, and 5 Little Ducks. Baby Songs from LittleBabyBum (Little Baby Bum) ...
所属专辑:Super Simple Songs英语启蒙儿歌 声音简介 完整Super Simple Songs英文儿歌合集及歌词,尽在小小优趣APP 歌词: Five little ducks went out one day. Over the hill and far away. Mother duck said, “Quack, quack, quack, quack.” But only four little ducks came back. ...
Super Simple Learning - Five Little Ducks | Kids Songs猜你喜欢 宝宝巴士小乐园-猴子捡到五只鸭蛋孵出五只小鸭子,小鸭子吃面包片变颜色 鸟宝宝啾啾啾-第4集 五只小鸭 sugar玩具屋-五只小鸭 five little ducks 火星儿歌 小小艺术家-点点爱儿童乐园 第27集 一起出门数鸭子 crystals-小黄鸭 呼哈呼哈-好听的...
Child's Play韵文儿歌洞洞书第一辑 从娃还没会说话时候开始听到《Ten Fat Sausages》里面的Pop和Bang笑得前仰后合开始,到反复要我读《Five Little Ducks》,娃学会自己翻着看、念、唱,再到上幼儿园后一个月连续在上学路上让我读《The Ants Go Marching》,这套书真的用了好久好久好久,可以说是我家使用寿...
英语儿歌:通过唱英语儿歌来学习数字,可以增加学习的趣味性。例如,可以唱《Five Little Ducks》或《Five Little Monkeys》等儿歌。 日常应用:鼓励孩子在日常生活中使用这些数字,比如在数数玩具、书籍页码时,都可以用英语数字来表达。 案例分析 假设你在和孩子一起玩积木,你可以问:“How many blocks do you have?”...
除了Super Simple Songs,还有大名鼎鼎的廖彩杏书单里的的Child's Play。 DIY一个简单的小巴士让陶陶当成贴纸游戏玩,应该没有孩子能抵抗贴纸的吸引力吧。唱完了The Wheels On The Bus把词换一换,改成car也不错哦。 用五只可爱的小指偶鸭子和大手偶mother duck来配合Fiv...
Super Simple Songs 网址: Super Simple Songs应该是知名度最高的儿歌视频系列了,创作者曾经在日本东京儿童英语学校教过书,了解非母语儿童学习规律,制作的内容非常适合低幼儿童学习。 从日常问候、字母数数、形状...
The songs on this album show the whole range of emotions that Italian music is capable of, just like in opera...” —Jonas Kaufmann The word “album” in the text means a group of songs or pieces of music on a CD. The underlined part means the rich feelings that Italian music is ...
. We saw lots of ducks and geese swimming in the water, and even a bald eagle soaring overhead. All too soon, it was time to pack up and head home. I was sad to leave our little campsite, but I was also excited to sleep in my own bed again and tell all my friends about my...
“American Honey,” a simple strummed backing and Rattigan’s vocal delivery are potent enough, but it’s the string section that proves devastating, cycling around for multiple punches to the gut. While more stripped-back songs such as “Big Star” and “The Spirit or the Curse” offer ...