downwithit.Well-designedonlinelearningenvironmentscanencouragemeaningfulrelationships, butinpractice,manyonlinestudentsstruggletostayfocused. Thesecondchallengeisthatthemappingoutofdifferentcoursesarecomplex.Onanygivenday inaschool,oneteachermayintroduceanewsound-lettermappinginphonics,anotherfinishauniton platetectonics板...
T4 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in the box. Use word formation to guess the meaning Often, new words are not really “new”— they are just different forms of words that you may already know. For instance, a word ending with –ate is often a verb, while...
On any given day in a school, one teacher may introd ce a new so nd-letter m apping in phonics, another finish a nit on plate tectonics 板(块构造学),and a third facilitate a sem inar on H amlet. In a traditional classroom setting, a teacher co ld simply walk down the hall ...