They gave Henry a letter 9.with money in it. They told him not to open it 10.until 2 o'clock and Henry promised. honest VS honesty? ①He is very___. ②___is a good character. ①He is very honest. ②Honesty is a good character. II.Complete the passage with words fro...
#有趣的英语字母# what 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away? 有一个单词有5个字母,当你拿掉2个字母后,还剩下6,这个单词是什么?没有猜对的小朋友,答案在评论里找吧。 k收起 f查看大图 m向左旋转 n向右旋转û...
(1)Theletterfailedtobepostedbecauseherotetheaddress(correct). (2)Didhisparentsbuy(they)abigcakefortheirtentyyearsof marriage? (3)Theoldmancouldntbe(glad)toknothathefinallypassedthedriving test.” (4)ThoughIhavereadaboutthree(fbur)ofthenovel,Istillcantguessthe endingofit. 二、语法填空(单句) 11...
Lesson 1 Performance: Alanis--A True Performer (Language Focus:Grammar-adverbial clauses) Lesson 2 Beijing Opera (Skill Focus: listening for understanding) Lesson 3 Experiment in Folk (Language Focus:Grammar-adverbial clauses) Lesson 4 Let's Dance (Skill Focus: reading-making contextu...
Further information of the new prices for your market are sent to you together with the letter, and you will see that the price has already reduced 5 percent. As c .i .f(成本、保险加运费)to Dub- lin is included in our prices, you will agree that they are clearly lower than those ...
What kinds of questions should be in the e-mail? How to persuade Freddy to help you? How to finish the letter politely? How to thank Freddy? Step 3 Writing 1)Allow the Ss enough time to write the e-mail. 2)Get the Ss to do group work: exchange their own letters and share. 3)...
1 EXPIore 1 BUiIding your language Task 5: ComPIete the PaSSage With Suitable words from the word bank to SUInmariZe the text. You ina 、not USe an、Of the 3OrdS more than once. Creation ending COOPeratiOn boring COre directed SUCCeSSfUl beginning released SOlVed Qo20〃 is an animated ...
You should also notice that the "th" letter combination has two phonetic representations: unvoiced (TH) as in "thin", or voiced (DH) as in "the". By now. the steps used in getting from "computer" to "KUMPYUWTER" should already be obvious. Try it. Once you get used to the ...
【公开课课件】人教版高中英语必修第三册Unit 5 Reading and Thinking Unit5 THEVALUEOFMONEY scenen.(戏剧或歌剧的)场;现场;场面 narrRaetoardn者a.f;t(e书讲r、t述h戏e者剧ta;或p(e电电a视影nd节中目的中)叙的述)speak幕o后u解tt说he员Chinese narrationnim.m叙e述di;at讲el述y.;解说 b...
The announcement about their marriage has appeared in the newspaper. 他们结婚的通告已经刊登在报纸上了。 3. On the one hand, some scientists point out that if you clone an embryo, you can produce valuable tissues and organs that could be used to save human life.(page 42, lines 3-5)一方面...