Unit1Lesson1LetterCombinations5 Listenandlearn.AcarThisisacar.ararirureror 1.BListen,point,andread.cararirureror Listen,point,andread.B2.farmarirureror B3.parkListen,point,andread.arirureror 4.BListen,point,andread.stararirureror
Note: For some civilisations, words such as "lord", "liege" could be replaced with "Emperor", "King" or similar. For example, Romans might say "For the glory of the Emperor" (in Latin), Persians the same thing (in Persian), Hellenes would have the same sentence but replacing Emperor...
Here an initial letter, bent into an L, in the lower part generated a dragon; there a great V, which began the word “verba,” produced as a natural shoot from its trunk a serpent with a thousand coils, which in turn begot76 other serpents as leaves and clusters. Next to the ...