LETTER - bring to light - 2002/日本 主演:坂本真綾渡辺健 导演:友澤昇一玉麻尚一 剧情简介 :故事始於男主角(川上拓實,網名P博士,渡邊健飾)發給女主角(夏原葵,藝名野野村律子,坂本真綾飾)的一封「詢問郵件」。擔任動畫女主角聲優的律子某天演技略有偏差,並被小心眼的FANS.P博士...
On the occasion of the inauguration of the statue of Bishop of Adran, the first Mandarin of the Emperor of Annam brought to Bishop Mossard an Imperial letter, together with the sum of 300 piastres destined for the celebration of a solemn service for Monsignor Pigneau de Béhaine. Here is ...
由于单词本的记录法有特殊的格式,并利用了记忆曲线原理,样本在贴上做出来有点困难,所以做在了Word文档中,需要的leave me an E_Mail address. 学习英语,有这样三个阶段: 一、 初学阶段。以单词量来作为衡量的标准,应在1500以下。这段的主要内容是死记硬背。有可能连单词都是靠字母来记的。如countryside乡下一...
Well most of it was in the letter hopefully. 大体的原因我在信里已经做了陈述 But I think in my heart it was an impulse 但在我心底,的确受到某种强烈冲动的驱使 Because I knew what I needed to do to move forward. 因为我知道,要前进的话只能这么做 Well it was a gesture we hope will be ...
She said you wouldn't give her a letter of recommendation. 她说你都不肯给她一封推荐信 How long did the woman work for you? 她替你工作多长时间了 I know she doesn't steal. What did she do? 她手脚干净,她到底怎么惹了你 And don't tell me it's just about the neighbor boy. 别告诉我...