1US★USA USA如图左下角英文是“USA INDEPENDENCE DAY,4TH July”(美国独立日,7月4日),这是为纪念( ) A. 独立战争爆发 B. 美国赢得独立 C. 联邦宪法颁布 D. 美国宣布独立 2如图左下角英文是“USA INDEPENDENCE DAY,4TH July〞〔美国独立日,7月4日〕,这是为纪念〔 〕 A. 独立战争爆发 B. 美国赢得...
基本就是这样啦,装饰房子,准备美食,举行Party,燃放烟火,4th July 国庆节就这样轰轰烈烈的过完啦。
July 4th, the Independence Day, is an importantholiday of the United States of America. It’s the 1. (nation)holiday to celebrate the anniversary of their declaration of independence fromBritain. The first Independence Day celebration took place on July 4, 1777 2. thethirteen colonies in Ameri...
July 4th 2024 独立日快乐!!July 4th 2024 独立日快乐!! July 4th 2024 Happy Independence Day!! 2024 年美国独立日是美国建国 248 周年。美国在 1776 年 7 月 4 日宣布独立,所以从那时算起到 2024 年刚好...
July 4th - Independence Day美国独立日 JULY4,1776 Over200yearsago,thesewordswerereadatIndependenceHallinPhiladelphia,USA:"Weholdthesetruthstobe self-evident,thatallmenarecreatedequal,thattheyareendowedbytheircreatorwithcertainunalienablerights,thatamongthesearelife,libertyandthepursuitofhappiness."Thesebravewords...
July 4th,the Independence Day,is an importantholiday of the United States of America.It's the_小题l:(nation)holiday to celebrate the anniversary of their declaration of independence from Britain.The first Independence Day celebration took place on July4,1777_小题2:the thirteen colonies in ...
July 4th, the Independence Day, is an important holiday of the United States of America. It’s the 1. holiday to celebrate the anniversary of their declaration of independence from Britain. The first Independence Day celebration took place on July 4, 17
July 4th, the Independence Day, is an important holiday of the United States of America. It's the (nation) holiday to celebrate the anniversary of their declaration of independence from Britain. The first Independence Day celebration took place on July 4, 1777 the thirteen colonies in America ...
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4th of July/July 4th/Independence Day: #美国国庆节# National Day: 国庆节 Festive: 节日气息 Celebrate: 庆祝 How do people celebrate 4th of July? 美国人怎么过国庆? American flag: 美国国旗 Stars and ...