UHD/4K Blu-ray Player UBD-K8500 BLACK Wo kaufen? Dieses Produkt ist leider nicht mehr verfügbar Funktionen Lebensechte Bilder mit unglaublicher Detailtreue Mit einer erstaunlichen UHD 4K-Auflösung bietet der Ultra HD Blu-ray Player von Samsung die vierfache Bildqualität vorhandener Samsung...
With the Samsung Ultra HD Blu-ray Player there are no limitations -play back CDs, DVDs, Blu-ray and even 4K UHD Blu-ray discs provided by the Blu-ray Player with our greatest coverage of formats available. *Upscaled image quality can vary depending on the source resolution. Outst...
恰好基友回国签证,人肉帮我带回了当时唯一现货的UHD播放器三星K8500 美国亚马逊 Samsung UBD-K8500 3D Wi-Fi 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Player (2016 Model) ¥399.00美 去购买 电视挑了整整5个月最终特殊途径入了65z9d,当时我基本已经带着碟机试过了市面上中高端HDR电视,这里透露下据安装师父说,通过sony授权维...
而普通 Blu-ray 的 bitrate 通常已经有 20-30 Mbps,UHD Blu-ray 就更高,bitrate 代表了每秒的信息量,也间接反映了画质,事实上 A/B 比较之下亦都很容易看出 4K 实体影碟比起同样内容的 4K 流媒体细致度更高,尤其动态画面的差别会更大,加上 4K 流媒体只有小部分支持 HDR,而 UHD Blu-ray 就绝大部分...
Aiseesoft Blu-ray Player Aiseesoft藍光播放機來自愛思軟件工作室。名稱中「Ai」與「愛」之拼音一語雙關,可看出他們對人工智慧之重視。 導入AI技術,這款播放器支援 Windows & Mac,可以播放 UHD 4K、 藍光光碟、藍光影音檔案,以及DVD與ISO檔案。它還支援超高清在內多種格式,包括: H.265/HEVC編碼的4K影視檔案,DTS...
MORE:Best Blu-ray and 4K Blu-ray players 2017 Verdict For a £280 Blu-ray player, the Samsung UBD-M9000 is a good effort. Its picture is pretty detailed, and it’s always eager to demonstrate its vivid colours. If you’re looking to save a little money, or prefer Samsung’s user...
However, the older Blu-ray player had some features that are, disappointingly, missing from this newer, more expensive model. Across the board, Samsung seems to have eliminated several positive characteristics - and selection variety - from its line-up. (The brand is still better than its ...
UBP-X700是索尼首款在中国市场推出的4K UHD Blu-ray播放器,同时也是一款可以播放4K UHD光盘的真4K播放器。其夺目之处在于索尼与杜比实验室合力,将广泛应用于各大高端影院、高品质电影中的杜比视界(Dolby VisionTM)技术搭载其中,用户得以在自家获得媲美影院的立体环绕音效,HDR画质体验更是叹为观止,实力诠释了...
Panasonic ..引用台湾烧友的话: Panasonic發表新機王UB9000 4KUHD播放器目標瞄準OPPO的UB9000,除了用料更豪華高級以外,還多了項新功能,可以選擇HDR / Rec.2020或SDR /