7. DVDFab Player 5DVDFab is one of the most commonly used Blu-ray media players that offer incredible playback efficiency along with an impressive viewing experience. It supports 4K, and UHD video quality with a breathtaking content appearance. This tool is updated from time to time with new...
4K乃至於更未來的8K影音光碟,當前看來都會由BDA(Blu-ray Disc Association,藍光光碟聯盟)主導制定,但是難免需要更換硬體。 ▲BDA遲遲未頒布4K規範,電影片商腦筋動得快,搶在前頭推出4K Remastered Blu-ray藍光影片。這些影片仍為1080p解析度,只是取用品質較佳的4K母片後製,甚至以較低壓縮比壓制(即提高流量),故畫...
Don't worry! There are always solutions out there. You can use a Blu-ray ripping tool to rip/convert 4K UHD Blu-ray to digital files for streaming to 4K digital device without needing a 4K Blu-ray player. Abest 4K Blu-ray Ripper- Acrok Video Converter Ultimate is a program that conve...
4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Disc,系目前民用影碟中的最高规格,从严谨的角度,其简称应为“4K UHD BD”,只是这样称呼仍显繁琐,现民间约定俗成的简称是“UHD”。 去年4月份我写过《PC用户如何看BD(2016-4-1修订)》,19个月后的今天,我再写它的续篇《PC用户如何看4K UHD BD》。此次与上次不同:写BD时,甭管放的...
PC⽤户如何看4KUHDBD【附赠图秀“先锋”世界⾸台UHD光驱】4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Disc,系⽬前民⽤影碟中的最⾼规格,从严谨的⾓度,其简称应为“4K UHD BD”,只是这样称呼仍显繁琐,现民间约定俗成的简称是“UHD”。去年4⽉份我写过《PC⽤户如何看BD(2016-4-1修订)》,19个⽉后的今天...
DTS-X DTS: X technology generates a multitude of audio objects that can adapt to your speakers in real time to produce the most powerful effect from each soundtrack. Super Audio CD Players are designed to extract information from CDs and SACDs as accurately as possible for optimal performance...
Product Name:UHD 4K Blu-Ray Optical Drive;Support CD format:CD VCD DVD BD;Function:1*USB3.0; 3*USB2.0; 1*SD Card Slot; 1*TF Card Slot;Max. Write speed:DVD8x,CD24x,BD6X;Max. Read speed:DVD8x,CD24x,BD6X;Interface:USB 3.0/TypeC;Support:WindowsXP/2003/Wind10
高清蓝光Blu-ray中文网,人气最旺的蓝光影碟/高清器材/高清影院讨论区。同时独立发行Blufans系列独家正版蓝光。 ,布鲁蓝光网(blufans.com)- 蓝光 高清 4K UHD Blu-ray 影音论坛
索尼4K UHD Blu-ray播放器UBP-X700官方售价2,690元,即日启动预售,用户可通过索尼官方在线商城、索尼天猫旗舰店、索尼京东旗舰店、苏宁易购索尼苏宁自营旗舰店以及索尼线下直营店订购(预售期间预订并最终全款购买的顾客,将有机会获赠4K UHD Blu-ray Disc一张)。新品将于11月30日正式发售。(免责声明:本网站...