certain port and have a Client in another device connect to this Server using the first device's IP address and Server's listening port. The Client FB will send a request to the Server FB using the Server FB's IP address and port and the Server FB will respond after processing the rece...
UAODeploymentExecutor_ClientConnectionFailed=Could not connect to WebSocket: {0} UAODeploymentExecutor_ClientRequestTimeout=Server did not respond in time UAODeploymentExecutor_RequestInterrupted=Request to WebSocket server was interrupted. Message: {0} UAODeploymentExecutor_RequestRejected=Request rejected by...
void connectToActionServer(); public: EVENT_SOURCE_FUNCTION_BLOCK_CTOR(FORTE_EXECUTE_ACTION_CLIENT), m_Initiated(false), m_GoalActive(false), m_ActionClient(0), mResultReady(false), nh(0), m_RosNamespace(""), m_RosMsgName(""){ }; virtual ~FORTE_EXECUTE_ACTION_CLIENT(){}; }; #...