网址: 在Abos&Tickets里面找到Ermäßigungsticket,点它! 然后就会看到下面这个页面,写的很清楚啦: Vergünstigtes Deutschlandticket für 29 Euro 29 欧元的 Deutschlandticket 折扣票 Für Auszubildende, Studierende und Freiwilligendienstleistende针对于实习生、学生和志...
🎫 49欧交通票,德国出行的神器!无论是日常通勤还是短途旅行,它都能满足你的需求。通过DB网站(网址见截图),搜索“49 Euro ticket”即可轻松预定。📅 预定与取消: 49欧票为自然月订阅制,每月10号前可取消下月预定,否则将自动续订。 成功预定后,邮件中包含取消键,10号前操作即可取消下月约定。🔗 月票与乘客信...
ICE这些长途快车不能用这个月票乘坐。 升级票是不可转让的,只能与学期票一起使用。 和学期票一样,升级票也只能以在线票/打印票的形式提供。 3. 抗议 这个升级方案感觉只是一个中间步骤。学生本身不是高收入群体,应该得到一定的优惠。 目前,北威州所有学生团体协会(LAT-NRW)呼吁推出学期票,价格为每学期129欧元,...
目前,北威州所有学生团体协会(LAT-NRW)呼吁推出学期票,价格为每学期129欧元,即每月21.50欧元,全德国范围内有效。 可以通过签署以下请愿书来支持我们引入这种票:ür-129-euro-im-semester-deutschlandweit-ab-dem-01-mai-fahren-jetzt-unterschreiben ...
DB uses different types of travel such as the ICE (Intercity Express), IC (Intercity), EC (Eurocity), IRE (Interregio-Express), RE (Regional Express) and RB (Regionalbahn) on its routes, which differ in terms of comfort and the time required to travel. For example, while bathrooms ...
You print your own ticket or can show it on your phone. A Giruno train at Zurich HB. More about these EuroCity trains. Giruno, 1st class. Larger photo. Restaurant car with bar counter. Larger photo. Giruno 2nd class. Larger photo Level boarding. Note the destination screen in the ...
EC= Eurocity 欧洲城际快车 ICE= Intercityexpress 城际特快 Wie viel kostet ein Ticket nach Dresden und zurück? 往返德累斯顿的机票价格是多少? Wie teuer ist eine einfache Fahrt nach Zürich? 前往苏黎世的单程机票多少钱? Ich...
DB Ticket EURO 2024(德国境内) 单程二等座29.9欧元 单程一等座39.9欧元 每张门票最多可购买两张往返主办城市的火车票 Interrail Pass EURO 2024(欧洲范围) 比赛门票持有者在购买特定Interrail通票时可享受25%的折扣 36 小时旅行通行证 从比赛日06:00到...
After there was an optional cruise on the nile (everyone went on this) 10 euro pp with a unexpected ice cream with more great views. Fahme was our guide for the day and was excellent and made the day enjoyable and entertaining and brought Cair...
We haven’t been to Egypt before so we were unaware that Euro/British pound in cash is the preferred method of payment. Got to the hotel and tried to pay, had to withdraw Egyptian Pound from the ATM which was fine however it increased the cost by almo...