免费货币汇率换算器,提供最新的外汇牌价以及货币信息。汇率按照各国中央银行外汇信息,自动进行实时更新调整。本站选择34个最常用的货币提供换算服务和外汇信息。 原始货币 480 美元 US Dollar (USD) 兑换目标货币 欧元 Euro (EUR)
Currency from ×Euro (EUR) Currency To ×United States Dollar (USD) Convert How much is 480000 EUR in USD? Euro to United States Dollar converter. 480000 EUR is 504000 USD. So, you've converted 480000 EUR to 504000 USD. We used 0.952381 International Currency Exchange Rate. We ad...
12.The bid price for a bank is 1.2400 US dollar per euro; and the ask price is 1.2408 dollar per euro. The spread would be ___.A:8 pips B:0.0008 pip C:0.08 pip D:8 pip 内容已经隐藏,点击付费后查看 13.Which of the following does NOT belong to the mission statement of a compan...
AP Johnson - US 被引量: 87发表: 2000年 Interest arbitrage in the Euro-currency markets This study investigates how interest rates in the non-dollar Euro-currency markets are determined. Each of these Euro-currency rates is linked to the Euro-dollar rate through arbitrage operations undertaken by...
:moneybag: 💰 :yen: 💴 :dollar: 💵 :pound: 💷 :euro: 💶 :credit_card: 💳 :money_with_wings: 💸 :e-mail: 📧 :inbox_tray: 📥 :outbox_tray: 📤 :envelope: ✉️ :incoming_envelope: 📨 :postal_horn: 📯 :mailbox_closed: 📪 :mailbox_with_mail: 📬 :mail...
and unchecked apportionment (arbitrary quotas) are still rampant. M. 盲流和倒流人员 jobless migrants from rural areas to cities, influx from the countryside 美圆对日圆全面升值 the system of pegging the currency to the US dollar
Cost Configured Fields will now display using the currency selected in Settings. For example, if the base currency is US Dollar and the project currency is Euro and on the Currency tab in Settings, project currency is selected, cost configured fields will display in Euros. If the base and pr...
"Euro", "currency-display-name-gbp": "Livre sterling", "currency-display-name-gel": "Lari Géorgien", "currency-display-name-ghs": "Cedi du Ghana", "currency-display-name-hkd": "Dollar de Hong Kong", "currency-display-name-hrk": "Kuna Croate", "currency-display-name-hu...
67.What is the currency used in the Eurozone? A. DollarB. PoundC. EuroD. YenC 68.What animal is known for having a long neck? A. ElephantB. GiraffeC. KangarooD. ZebraB 69.What do we call a group of bees? A. SwarmB. ColonyC. FlockD. HiveB Colony 70.A ___ can be a liq...
clean and proper in thought, conduct, and dress : decent limited in size, amount, or scope modestly 例句 1.The comments sent European stocks modestly lower and weakened the euro against the dollar. 上述评论导致欧洲股市温和下跌、欧元兑美元汇率走弱。