通往奴役之路 The Road to Serfdom (奥/英) 弗里德里希·哈耶克 简体PDF(台湾版)简体PDF(大字版)简体PDF简体EPUB简体MOBI英文PDF英文EPUB 2014-05-182018-09-102013-03-242013-09-132015-05-112013-05-302019-01-04 简介 社会主义——经济与社会学的分析 Socialism——An Economic and Sociological Analysis ...
Background: The purpose of this study was to reduce the length of stay of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction patients within a private hospital in Ireland, reducing any non-value-added activity in the patient pathway, with the goal of increasing p
haha...my center hosted a have-a-ball summer league and this rock was a popular pick. we drilled a bunch the last few weeks and so far the first impressions are really positive. if you need a new beast in your bag to replace the old asymm big wheeler...this is the ball to drill...
3.1.1. Environmental Imbalance between Rock and Soil The problem of environmental imbalance between rocks and soil mass is a main characteristic of areas disturbed by mining. For example, underground or open-pit mining disturbs the mechanical balance of rock and earth mass, resulting in changes in...
No.37 Xue-Yuan Road, Beijing 100191, China; ypyao@buaa.edu.cn 2 Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, No.20 Che-Gongzhuang West Road, Beijing 100048, China; houyj@iwhr.com 3 Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, MOE Key Laboratory ...
They used fifive data elements as indicators: rock mass rating, Q value, distance from faults, depth of mine drift, and flflow accumulation. The study provided a local‐-scale ffllooding area (Figure 6), which ...