Convert 4500 Hong Kong Dollar(HKD) to other currenciesCurrency4500 HKD Value: 4500 (HKD) to United States Dollar(USD) 579.1735 4500 (HKD) to Euro(EUR) 529.30187 4500 (HKD) to Pound Sterling(GBP) 445.50282 4500 (HKD) to Canadian Dollar(CAD) 828.1583 4500 (HKD) to Swiss Franc(CHF) ...
Changes in the value of 4500 DKK in USD For the week (7 days) DateDay4500 DKK to USDChangesChanges % December 13, 2024Friday632.61391 USD-2.61391-0.415 % December 14, 2024Saturday633.76088 USD-3.76087-0.597 % December 15, 2024Sunday633.69344 USD-3.69344-0.586 % ...
4500(GBP) British Pound Sterling(GBP) To US Dollar(USD) Currency Exchange Today - Foreign Currency Exchange Rates and Currency Converter Calculator
原始货币 4500 美元 US Dollar (USD) 兑换目标货币 韩元 South Korean Won (KRW)4500 USD,按 2025-03-04 最新汇率, 兑换结果为 6552131.28730 KRW 输入兑换金额 USD 兑换 KRW 1 USD = 1456.02917 KRW 1 KRW = 0.00069 USD 返回原始货币为 USD, 选择其它货币兑换查询 ...
This paper uses a Vector Autoregressive GARCH (VAR-GARCH) model to examine the return and volatility spillover effects between the US dollar/Australian dollar (USD/AUD) exchange rate and the Australian All Ordinaries Index (AOI). The fin... M Raghavan,J Dark - 《Iup Journal of Applied Finan...