www.youtube.com © All rights belong to their respective owners. There is no copyrighted music on other platforms of this song list. 此歌单其他平台没有版权音乐,所有权利属于各自所有者©️✔️ 展开更多 音乐 音乐综合 助眠 冥想 治愈 阿尔法 432hz 减压 放松 消除 增强 睡眠 评论0 请先登...
The best 432Hz converter since 2012. Pitchshift your music to 432Hz using the 432Hz Player web and mobile apps introduce a transformative dimension to your listening experience. This application allows you to tap into the harmonic resonance of this unive
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBiwLibZqfw&t=296s 每日身心灵疗愈共修营报名中🍀领取10本灵性书籍与100小时纯音乐请➕mindfulkiki Hi~my loves.这里会与大家分享关于灵性修行、身心灵疗愈、禅修冥想的内容。 让我们一起探索生命的无限可能。我是Kiki, 美国超个人心理学博士,临床外科医师,灵气疗愈和催眠...
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The 432hz Music Converter changes the frequency, pitch, and tempo of audio to a target frequency, such as 432 Hertz. Arbitrary input and output frequencies are…
Pasha (musician) official site featuring 432 Hz music, videos, art, and blog. 432 Hz music in the style of Trance, Dub, Reggae fusion.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DANor48TZDM create by inner Lotus music 432hz的音乐被认为是一种高级调律,它使冥想音乐听起来更悦耳,对人的身心都有积极的影响。这首带有水晶钵的432HZ音乐并没有被人为调至432HZ,而是由爱组成,并以432HZ的自然频率演奏,这是我们的身体与地球母亲和宇宙产生共鸣的频率。
Use this tool to convert music to432hz(Hertz). 432hz music is well known to increase well-being, is often said to sound better, be more harmonic, and have transcendental powers. Note:You can use the free onlineMusic Frequency Changerif you want to convert your music to non-standard frequ...
Pasha (musician) official site featuring 432 Hz music, videos, art, and blog. 432 Hz music in the style of Trance, Dub, Reggae fusion.
Light Over Darkness 432hzDream-Protocol 0:00 5:07 Коментари Общносттавиочаква! Влезтеилисеприсъединетекъм Pixabay, задавиждатекоментарите околенохлажданеотпуснетесез...