In this study, the authors rated the creativity of the last eight actions of attacks that led to goals in the Football FIFA World Cup 2010 and 2014, as well as the Football UEFA Euro 2016. While this study provided empirical evidence for the importance of creativity in soccer, the authors...
More recently, the euro zone debt crisis and related worries about debt levels in the U.S. have thrown into doubt, if not permanently tarnished, the decades-old received wisdom that rich- country government bonds are ultrasafe. And equities have problems of their own. The prolonged weakness ...
(fiHcaa)n, ttheenLoourgehnttzofobreceabbelecotmo eresdsiugcneifitchaentfoernmoudgrhatgo ebfefeacbtl.eStoimreidlaurcoebthseerfvoarmtiodnrsagtoeftfheocts.eSiomf iFlaigr ure 4 can boeenbtscreoornpvdyatuigocentnesedrtaoftoitorhnFosivgeeurosrfuesF6it,ghrueerlReaet4yendcoatlnodsbtheneucmvoa...
rCeu9.rvCeurovfeaocfcauccmumulualtaeteddvvaarriiaanncceevveresrussupsrpinrciinpcailpcaolmcpoomnepnot nnuenmtbneru. mber. From curves in Figure 9, we can see that the PCs selected under the same threshold of 99.5% are Frofomurc, ufirvve,easnidnsFeivgeunrfeor9R, BwFe-KcPaCnAs,ePeOtLh...
entropy Article Detection of Causal Relations in Time Series Affected by Noise in Tokamaks Using Geodesic Distance on Gaussian Manifolds Andrea Murari 1,2,3,*, Teddy Craciunescu 1,4 ID , Emmanuele Peluso 1,5, Michela Gelfusa 1,5 and JET Contributors † 1 EUROfusion Consortium, JET, ...
In Proceedings of the 21st Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD), Prague, Czech Republic, 29–31 August 2018. [Google Scholar] Koyily, A.; Zhou, C.; Kim, C.H.; Parhi, K.K. An entropy test for determining whether a MUX PUF is linear or nonlinear. In Proceedings of ...
(e.nd adai cIstg)bnnraa.ruelfslcreTerlptrgeepoeoerdredarmeette1dssrrsnB2eeaueoin:eYpitlnfnsttttrOwtaesfheaotlteLsbhftoicoi.eyeuroennfTksnnoootsihsachnnr.n.eotalUgliliTdysoenooshenaseniunrenraslsnyn.gimd in einUidbnetse,gwisosgdawniitpnmorhefthocgrhetihtkiswaliacbais,itrhttoroutigveihvr...
(r2eks/e3n)t3e/2d/ε.inThFiegcuornet2o.uIrns boof tLhfcoarsbeso,ththteyrpeeiss oafdiimstpineclltedrsiffaerreepnrceesienntthede iinnteFgigrualrele2n.gItnhbsoctahleciansetsh,ethimerpeeilsleardziosntiencatnddiftfheerebnuclek,inthtohueginhttehgeraalvleernaggtehvsacaluleesinotfhLeiinmtpheels...
entropy Article New Forms of Quantum Value Indefiniteness Suggest That Incompatible Views on Contexts Are Epistemic Karl Svozil ID Institute for Theoretical Physics, Vienna University of Technology, Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10/136, 1040 Vienna, Austria; Received: 27 April 2018 ; ...
entropy Article Identity Vector Extraction by Perceptual Wavelet Packet Entropy and Convolutional Neural Network for Voice Authentication Lei Lei ID and Kun She * School of Information and Software Engineering, University of Electrical and Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 610054, China; world...