Although not formally legal tender in the German exclave Büsingen (the sole legal currency is the euro), it is in wide daily use there. The Swiss National Bank issues banknotes and the federal mint Swissmint issues coins. The Swiss franc is the only version of the franc still issued in...
euroTECH ??150 179156heidenhai 735117-61 Hildebrand ASTM D 2240 222811 SCHMERSAL TS236-11Z-M20GEFRAN PCIRA hydac KHB-38SR-1212-01X HAHN+KOLB VK 4252 see the pictureEisele BG??BREAK GLASS UNITEckhard Polman GmbH SG20-1250-MWI-E12-T1 4-20MA CONNETTORE M12 L=1250MMKOBOLD 10 0528 0000 ...
EUROTRAS 联轴器 E120FFDFGega 喷嘴 103025 B117.02.055.3GKN 万向节 153130106924haewa 温度控制器 3150-2060-02U30Hagglunds 滤芯 R939059246;FILTEREINSATZ 250-10-BR;478 3233-621HAHN+KOLB 工件夹具 28604088HBM 信号放大器 1-AE301HBM 信号放大器 1-AE301HBM 负荷传感器 1-C9C/20KNHBM 负荷传感器 1-S2M...