You might also get a 429 error if your website is using up too many resources on a shared hosting server or service. If, for example,more than 50 requests are received from an IP address within one minute, PayPal Sandbox will block that IP for the next five minutes. While the 429 res...
*IliCosmetics (etsy) — sample jars of eyeshadow pigments in Violent Delights, Villainess, Tres Chic, Medusa, and Green Island. and Lotus. *Spectrum Cosmetics (gift from friend) — e/s in Fireworks, Sugar Skull, and Midnight, plus a cosmetic bag with a gothic design on it. *Bought fro...
这不是一个特别可能的原因,但可以关掉你在使用Etsy时使用的任何广告拦截器,然后重新加载页面再试一次,看看是否还会出现错误。 在一些边缘情况下,广告拦截器可能会导致浏览器不断请求被拦截的数据(但同样不太可能)。 清除Cookie 和缓存或尝试其他浏览器 如果VPN 不是你的问题,我们要排除浏览器的问题。 你的浏览器(...