{415, 'UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE', <<"content-type:", Expect/binary, " Required">>} end; validate_content_type(Params, _Meta, _Expect) -> {ok, Params}. -spec namespace() -> hocon_schema:name(). namespace() -> "public". @@ -341,8 +366,12 @@ translate_req(Request, #{module...
Uanset hvad du kalder det –“HTTP 415”-fejlen, “415 Unsupported Media Type”-fejlen – betyder det, at serveren nægter at acceptere en forespørgsel fra browseren. Det vil ofte skyldes, at det, som browseren sender (payload), ikke er i det rigtige format....
REST全称是Representational State Transfer,中文意思是表述(编者注:通常译为表征)性状态转移。 它首次出现在2000年Roy Fielding的博士论文中,Roy Fielding是HTTP规范的主要编写者之一。 他在论文中提到:"我这篇文章的写作目的,就是想在符合架构原理的前提下,理解和评估以网络为基础的应用软件的架构设计,得到一...
If you get no videos back, chances are the URL is either not referring to a video or unsupported. You can find out which by examining the output (if you run youtube-dl on the console) or catching an UnsupportedError exception if you run it from a Python program....
"StatusCode: UnsupportedMediaType, Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8, Content-Length: 800)" (500) Internal Server Error [ Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager._initialize error [ASP.NET C# WebForm] Could anybody give me a reCAPTCHA v2 simple sample ? [ASP.NET][WebForm][C#] How t...
Azure SQL Managed Instance xp_cmdshell 'unsupported' or simply won't work? Back up Failed Access is denied Backing up to Azure Blob Storage : Cannot open backup device. Operating system error 50(The request is not supported.). Backup a database in emergency mode Backup database - overwrite...
dash (-) character is being converted to – when stored on the table Data compression on sql azure db Data file just won't shrink after mass deletion of million of records. Data Provider or other service returned an E_FAIL status Data row does not have a matching index row in the...