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Description NY 411's dedicated Android app will bring all the qualified production listings you have come to rely on right to the palm of your hand. This free, high-speed app will provide a graphical representation of each of NY 411’s twelve production sections. Using “multi-touch” techno...
Event_CheckFailed, (direction=1, state=6) previous m_iceChecksState = 2 0416140839|so |4|00|[SoMediaSessC]: Unexpected Event: State: SoMediaSessStateFree, Event: SoMediaSessEvLclIceCallCompletionStatusAvailable (0x41b7c558) 0416140839|ec |4|00|CEcLayoutMgr::onNewD...
Now that you've verified the file, you'll want to mount partition 7 to access thesysd.conffile. To do this you'll want to create a new folder under /mnt (I named myavicpart7) and you'll need to know what the offset of partition 7 is in the SDCard. To get this nu...
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lookup tables, files, and so forth, that stores information such as hash tables for pre-processed media, all as described in greater detail below. Any database capable of information retrieval consistent with operation of the server122as described herein may be used as the database126of the se...