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1.1.2 M32-M39, Age of Retribution 1.1.3 M40-M41, Age of Apotheosis 2 Unit Composition 3 Wargear 4 Chaos and Loyalist Space Marine Differences 5 Champions of Chaos 5.1 Chaos Space Marine Warbands 5.2 Ascension 5.3 The Fickle Aegis of the Warp 6 Traitor Legions and Renegade Space Marine Ch...
Scouts are the new recruits of a Space Marine chapter who have advanced far enough in the early stages of their training and biological transformation to take part in battle with the rest of the Chapter. More lightly armed and armoured than full Battle brothers, their role is to range ahead...
Nocturneis thehomeworldof theSalamandersSpace Marine Chapter. It is a binary planetary system, with its over-sized moonPrometheuscircling Nocturne erratically causing massive tectonic stress. There are vast chains of volcanoes and frequent earthquakes, destroying what little the people built.[1]The enorm...
1/2 <> <> Our final recommendation for your starter Chaos Space Marine army is aChaos Rhino. This transport provides survivability and manoeuvrability, so your marines on board them on board and race to the front as fast as you can. ...
A Firstborn Space Marine of the Ultramarines Chapter.They were intended not to lead Humanity, but to defend it, sometimes even from itself. At the heart of that mission lies the limitless compassion the Emperor extended to every man and woman in the galaxy when He willingly chose to condemn...
加入《战锤40K:暗潮》Discord服务器 《战锤40K:暗潮》 继屡获殊荣的畅销系列《末世鼠疫》之后,Fatshark即将发售备受期待的新作《战锤40K:暗潮》。游戏故事线围绕特提恩巢都展开,你可以邀请好友一同游玩,尽情体验这款紧张刺激的四人合作动作类游戏,对抗蜂拥而至的敌群,感受前所未有的《战锤40K》体验。自《战锤40K:暗潮》...
槍林彈雨,血雨腥風。在這款激烈殘酷的動作射擊遊戲中,你將擊殺無數嗜血兇惡的敵人,奪回巢都特提姆。 《戰鎚40K:黑潮》是一款全新多人合作遊戲,由曾開發《戰鎚:末世鼠疫》系列、屢獲殊榮的團隊——Fatshark傾力打造,將帶給你全新的遊戲體驗!特提姆衰落之際,正名之戰
其中最重要的是星际战士(Space Marine Legions)——阿斯塔特军团(Legiones Astartes)。在他们的创作中,融入了冲突时代的所有秘密历史和遗传知识,以及通过雷霆勇士的成功与失败以及皇帝自己的无与伦比智慧甚至是亚空间力量。 The Grey Legions “ Before this Age, it was said of heroes that they were not ...