" —Anonymous Emperor's ChildrenChaos Space Marine 帝皇之子是最初的20个星际战士军团中第三军团,在他们堕入混沌后帝皇之子又被称为纵欲之主。其原体为福根。帝皇之子是荷鲁斯叛乱时期背叛帝皇的九个叛徒军团之一,他们成为了混沌星际战士,并崇拜混沌神色孽,是享乐和纵欲主义的追求者,生活于极端感觉中。 基本数据 ...
I must have more!" —Anonymous Emperor's Children Chaos Space MarineEmperor's ChildrenWarcry "Children of the Emperor! Death to His foes!" "For the Emperor!" (Now used as a mockery of the Imperial forces after the Horus Heresy)Founding First Founding (30th Millennium) ...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现fw 战锤40K 帝子 Emperor's Children Legion Praetor的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于fw 战锤40K 帝子 Emperor's Children Legion Praetor的信息,请来淘宝深入了解吧!
一、皇帝的二十个基因原体,创造的二十个军团分别是:1.暗夜天使Dark Angels 2.不详...一窃资料都在贺拉斯叛变中被销毁...3.帝王之子Emperor's Children 4.钢铁战士Iron Warrors 5.白色烙印White Scars 6.太空野狼Space Wolves 7.帝国之拳Imperial Fists 8.午夜领主Night Lords 9.圣血天使Blood ...
因此,实际上他们的基因种子变异率是0。基因种子带来的增强器官都保持颠峰运行状态,让每个帝皇之子的战士都能在战斗中发挥最大的潜力。没有任何一个其他的军团达到过这一水平,而在大叛乱之后的一万年中,人类帝国也未能重新所必须的技术,以达到这个水准。战吼:“Children of the Emperor! Death to his foes!”
With GW teasing a new Warhammer 40,000 Emperor's Children range for 2025, we predict the models we'll get and what it means for the lore.
帝皇之子 Emperor's Children: 10个用帝皇的基因改造编辑出生的基因原体,身高2.6米。 神兵Ultramarines: 战斗修女:20万女神兵,平均强于禁军。 禁军:帝皇的近卫队,80万精英神兵。 红(圣血天使):部署在帝国西部,对抗钛星人。 橙(凤凰): 黄(帝国之拳):部署在帝国中心星群,守护帝国统治维护帝国核心。
He excels when fighting on his own, chasing down enemy leaders and polishing them off in a duel to the death. Lucis The Eternals spends most of his time doing what Lucis wants to do and the overall war effort of the Emperor's Children is of little note to him. With that in mind, ...
“帝皇之子,斩父之敌!” “Children of the Emperor! Death to his foes!”军团著名人物 第一连连长 尤里乌斯·凯索隆 尤里乌斯·凯索隆(Julius Kaesoron)是大远征以及荷鲁斯叛乱期间帝皇之子的第一连连长。 凯索隆是艺术的狂热爱好者,他经常读诗(特别是跟随第六十三远征舰队的伊格纳斯·卡凯西所作的诗)并...