In GSM gateway I see sip trunk is unreachable to CME, but they are in the same network, I can ping to GSM Gateway. I guess there authentication issue, but it could not had to happen, because in CME it is just dial-peer, in GSM gateway sip trunk type is peer-to-peer. What I...
401和407比较类似,都是授权响应信息。具体区别如下:401 Unauthorized,明确提示是未授权。这个应答是由UAS和注册服务器产生的。常见场景是Register用户注册的时候。407 proxy authentication required ,意思是proxy服务器需要提供认证信息。常见场景是Invite发起呼叫的时候。
[extract from wireshark inside 407 Proxy Authorization Required IMS response packet] Proxy-Authenticate: Digest realm="",domain="sip: ",nonce="c803a53ff76b7e11d8615f0015adc4e2",stale=false,qop="auth",algorithm=MD5 Authentication Scheme: Digest Realm: "my...
*May 21 17:19:24.796: //416/15162A000000/SIP/Msg/ccsipDisplayMsg:Received:SIP/2.0 407 Proxy Authentication RequiredVia: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK6019EBFrom: "Mohammad Rajibul Alam Joarder" <sip:09609001415@>;tag=2AA56F3C-18E7To: <sip:...
for the late reply.The pipeline components need to be forwarded through the istio when processing user requests.If you check the DestinationRule configuration, you will find that the default policy requires TLS authentication.I deal with the problem of not accessible by disabling tls authentication. ...
ADFS Authentication with AD Forest trust ADFS doesn't have P3P policy ADFS error event 356 - Urgent Help Require ADFS on a Domain Controller ADFS proxy error: An error occurred when attempting to establish a trust relationship with the federation service ADFS SSO and SAML ADFS Version not able...
[highlight #FCE94F]SIP/2.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required[/highlight] Via: SIP/2.0/UDP 173.162.XXX.XXX:5060;received=173.162.XXX.XXX;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bK4e56f59d1c389cd6b82d235b16f68e19 From: "586961XXXX" <>;tag=3c291e7c3d4ee6c4 ...
ADFS Authentication with AD Forest trust ADFS doesn't have P3P policy ADFS error event 356 - Urgent Help Require ADFS on a Domain Controller ADFS proxy error: An error occurred when attempting to establish a trust relationship with the federation service ADFS SSO and SAML ADFS Version not able...