<key>Color Space</key> <string>sRGB</string> <key>Blue Component</key> <real>0.3372549</real> <key>Green Component</key> <real>0.54509807</real> <key>Red Component</key> <real>0.7490196</real> </dict> <key>Ansi 10 Color</key> <dict> <key>Color Space</key> <string>sRGB</string...
逃避传票玩失踪 法院可能“惩罚”张铁林 张铁林因中介费一事被告上法庭,但他却玩起了失踪,法院传票为此一直无法送达。法院方面称,如有证据证明张铁林确实在国内,却逃避传票的话,法院有可能以批评教育或拘传的措施对他进行惩罚。 张铁林的助手表示:“张铁林目前正在国内拍戏。”但一听说记者想就法院传票一事进行采访,他...
During the weeks of the trial, I felt nothing:my feelings were numbed. Sometimes I poked at them, and imagined Hanna doing what she was accused of doing as clearly as I could, and also doing what the hair on her neck and th...