设置cookie的过期时间 function setCookie(cname, cvalue, exdays) { var d = new Date(); d.setTime(d.getTime() + (exdays * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); var expires = "expires=" + d.toUTCString(); document.cookie = cname + "=" + cvalue + "; " + expires+"; path=/" 这个很重要...
wx.chooseWXPay({ timestamp: res.body.timeStamp, // 支付签名时间戳,注意微信jssdk中的所有使用timestamp字段均为小写。但最新版的支付后台生成签名使用的timeStamp字段名需大写其中的S字符 nonceStr: res.body.nonceStr, // 支付签名随机串,不长于 32 位 package: res.body.package, // 统一支付接口返回...
We discovered that AIOSEO tracks redirects and creates a log with complete redirect information about the visitor, browser, and referrer within your WordPress dashboard. You can schedule redirects to go into effect on a specific date and time. AIOSEO even offers wildcard redirect functionality. Th...
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added bug on Aug 1, 2023 github-actions added Area: Release triage on Aug 1, 2023 leivavictor commentedon Aug 3, 2023 leivavictor vivelys commentedon Aug 3, 2023 vivelys Eazyed commentedon Aug 3, 2023 Eazyed GabrielKropp commentedon Aug 3, 2023 ...
No time to fix 404 errors yourself?WPBeginner Pro Services can help! With our affordable Emergency WordPress Support, you can hire experts to fix 404 errors, broken links, redirect issues, and much more. Stop stressing over WordPress issues and get them fixed!Schedule Emergency WordPress Support ...
Winning in business means working smarter. The HP LaserJet Pro M404 printer is designed to let you focus your time where it’s most effective-helping to grow your business and staying ahead of the competition. Workteams excel with HP’s black-and-white office LaserJet printers, which pack ...
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