This page provides the list of 5-digit zip codes corresponding to the area code 402.There are 567 zip codes corresponding to area code 402.You can click on the zip code to view the specific information, or check the list of all the 9-digit zip codes. ZIP CodeCityState 68001 Abie ...
這是愛爾蘭 國內目的地代碼:402 區號數據庫的頁面列表。 您可以點擊標題瀏覽詳細信息。 區域代碼: WW 地區名稱城市Sn fromSn to運營商名稱號碼類型 WicklowArklow1200012999EircomG WicklowArklow2000020999EircomG WicklowArklow2100021999EircomG WicklowArklow2200022999EircomG ... Truly Your Beneficial Advantage In Advertising ...Your Phone Number & Website Address in ONE !... Just Imagine The Possibilities When Subscribing Your Phone Number As _ _ - _ _ _ _ We Host A Website Address For Your Home Or Business Use. Where Ever You Print...
The article reports that the Public Service Commission (PUC) of Nebraska has implemented mandatory thousands-block number pooling in all of the rate centers that are located within the code "402" area. Earlier, the PUC had sought comments from rate centers on whether it should implement ...
这是国内目的地代码: 402的页面列表。 您可以点击标题浏览详细信息。 +1-402-(2002000...2002999): Hebron, Nebraska (NE) 查看更多about +1-402-(2002000...2002999) +1-402-(2000000...2000999): Hebron, Nebraska (NE) 查看更多about +1-402-(2000000...2000999) ...
这是美国 国内目的地代码:402 区号数据库的页面列表。 您可以点击标题浏览详细信息。 区域代码: NE 地区名称城市Sn fromSn to运营商名称号码类型 NebraskaAdams98800009880999WINDSTREAM NE INC.G NebraskaAdams98810009881999BANDWIDTH.COM - NEG NebraskaAdams98820009882999WINDSTREAM NE INC.G ...
Идентификатор: 80h + Node ID Error_code 81h 8 E0 E1 R0 0 0 0 0 0 Длинамассиваданных Error_register (объект 1001h) error_register (R0) Бит M/O1) Расшифровка 0 M generic error: Имеетсяошибка (...
this area for a specified time – theposition windowtime – the related control bit 10 target reached in the statusword shall be set to 1. 如图32所示的position函数提供了定义位置需求值周围的位置范围并将其视为有效的可能性。如果一个驱动器的位置在这个范围内持续了指定的时间(位置窗口时间),则status...
MSA CBSA Code (核心基础的统计区):16700 时区:东部 (GMT -05:00) 实行夏令时:是 公司:BELLSOUTH TELECOMM INC DBA SOUTHERN BELL TEL & TEL OCN (经营公司编号):9417 覆盖区域名称:CHARLESTON 纬度:32.7847 经度:-80.0014 ‹ 前一页:843-402
CAN Controller area network 控制区域网络 COB Communication object 通信对象 FSA Finite state automaton 有限状态机 ID Identifier 标识 LSB Least significant bit 最低有效位 MSB Most significant bit 最高有效位 PDO Process data object 过程数据对象