Exchange HKD to CZK with Revolut Whether you want to convert money into different currencies, transfer money between countries, or spend like a local when you travel - Revolut has you covered. Get this and so much more, all in a few taps ...
目前美元的发行是由美国联邦储备系统控制。美元通常可以使用符号“$”来表示,而用来表示美分的标志则是“¢”。国际标准化组织为美元取的ISO 4217标准代号为USD。 详细货币信息,请点击此处其它货币汇率换算查询 返回货币汇率换算查询 返回原始货币为 CZK, 选择其它货币兑换查询...
Previous special offer price valid from 22-11-2024 to 02-12-2024 was (£45.49 / €47.99 / AU $71.46 / BGN 100.68 / CZK 1364.35 / DKK 408.85 / HUF 18265 / NZ $77.96 / NOK 551.85 / PLN 226.85 / SEK 623.35 / USD $45.49 / ZAR 896.35 / HRK 47.99 / INR 3788 / TRY 1637.99 /...