400 Bad Request, Request Header or Cookie Too Large If you receive this error frequently, the best thing to do is to delete the Cookies for that particular domain. Let us say, if you are receiving this error when you visit any page on say,example.com, then you should delete all the C...
get-mailbox|Set-MailboxRegionalConfiguration-Timezone"Eastern Standard Time" 解決方法 2:將預設用戶端語言和登入錯誤語言設定為 0 如果您有多個受影響的使用者,請使用下列命令,將虛擬目錄上的預設客戶端語言和登入錯誤語言設定為 0。 不過,此值會被視為舊版屬性。 雖然它可以在 2010 Exchange Server 使用,...