导语 近日,《体育商业期刊》发布了2024年40 Under 40榜单。作为全球体育行业每年的重磅奖项之一,40 Under 40自1999年开设以来,致力于评选该年度全球40位40岁以下最具影响力、领导力和创新力的年轻体育精英领袖。 图1:本届获奖者的出生地分布 关于本届获奖者的一些信息...
🎈惊喜之余,我竟然成为了2024 Asian Australian Leadership Awards(曾称40 under 40 Most Influential Asian-Australian Awards)的企业领域荣誉提名者!🎉🥳此刻,我的心情无法用言语表达,只有满满的喜悦和激动。🎊🏆虽然今晚是颁奖晚宴,但因工作原因无法亲临悉尼现场,不过这并不影响我为自己感到骄傲和自豪。💪...
“40位40岁以下企业知识产权精英”大型评选活动(40 Under 40),是由IPR Daily联合多家知名媒体、创投媒体和行业机构,共同推出的年度重磅活动。从2019年开始,活动每年面向全国征集评选出40位40岁以下企业知识产权精英。“U40”致力于为企业IP人搭建一个平台,给企业知识产权精英提供一个得以绽放光彩的舞台。 2024年U40...
40 UNDER 40当代设计杰出青年(2024-2025)年度榜单由广州设计周在IFI认证、全球同步推广的专业背景下于2016年发起,每年度通过举办“城市榜、省区榜、全国榜”等核心内容,发布并表彰城市/省区/全国不超过40位30岁(含)以上、40岁(含)以下在室内设计、建筑设计、园林景观设计及关联领域具有卓越表现和专业成就的青年设计...
For the sixth year, 40 of the industry's future leaders were honored at the Inland Marine Expo with the "40 Under 40" award, which recognizes individuals for their outstanding contributions to the inland marine transportation industry in a variety of fields. All 40 honorees were nominated by ...
Nominee Criteria: To be considered, the nominee must: Be under the age of 40 on 8/25/24 A U.S.-based PR professional Nomination Requirements: All nominations should be submitted and paid for online All nominations must be submit
NCAIED 40 Under 40 Awards Nomination Form Recognizing Native American citizens for outstanding leadership and community contributions annually. The 40 Under 40 is a prestigious award that recognizes 40 emerging American Indians from across Indian Country who have demonstrated leadership, initiative, and ded...
Now, as the chief executive of Omnicom Media Group's largest agency in India, she continues to make a significant impact, leading OMD's digital transformation and strategic goals, while focusing on building innovative teams. Under Iyer's leadership, OMD India underwent a comprehensive overhaul, re...
从2016年开荒初创,到2017年省区联动,到2018年城市深耕,到2019年体系重构…再到2024年团结就是力量,破圈就是成长,八年时光打马而过,「40 UNDER 40」的步伐走得稳健而自信,逐渐聚合成一个强链接的设计文化圈层,试图赋予设计黄金一代一个更完善、更多...
“40 UNDER 40中国(省区)设计杰出青年(2023-2024)”(简称:省区榜) ≤40名/省区 “40 UNDER 40中国设计杰出青年(2023-2024)”(简称:全国榜) ≤40名/全国 二、参与对象: 1、面向在中国境内及港澳台执业,30岁(不含)以上,40岁(含)以下(1993年1月1日-1983年1月1日)在室内设计、建筑设计、园林景观设计...