1) 4-mercaptobenzoic acid 4-巯基苯甲酸1. In fact, prior to de- positing silica, 4-mercaptobenzoic acid (4-MBA) with the bifunctional groups was assembled on the sur- faces of the gold film by forming Au—S bond. 在构筑硅壳前,首先通过形成Au—S键将具有双官能团的4-巯基苯甲酸自组装到...
对巯基苯甲酸 1. Gold colloids were labeled with Raman reporter mercapto molecules such as 4-mercaptobenzoic acid and thiophenol to form Fourier transform (FT) surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) reporter-labeled gold colloids. 以对巯基苯甲酸、苯硫酚为标记分子 ,与金纳米粒子生成具有SERS信号的标...
4-氨基-3-甲基苯甲酸 补充资料:2-巯基苯甲酸 分子式:C7H6O2S 分子量:154.19 CAS号:147-93-3 性质:黄色叶状(冰乙酸)或针状(乙醇水溶液)结晶。熔点165.5℃,158℃ 软化,能升华,易溶于乙酸,微溶于热水,遇空气得到双硫代水杨酸。 制备方法:用卤代苯甲酸在铜催化剂存在下与硫氢酸盐反应制得。