PASSAGE 29: The 4 Stages of Culture Shock Living abroad can be an exhilarating experience that encourages new world views, increases cultural curiosity and supports willingness to explore unfamiliar terrains. However, it may also invite a sense of feeling a little lost in the world. Culture shock...
4 The stages of culture shock话题:文化冲击的四个阶段建议阅读时间:6minMost people experience culture shock when they first arrive in a foreign country. t even happens if they arejust visiting and it cannotreally be avoided. Itis natural. I am going to tell you about the (A)commonstages tha...
1. The Honeymoon Stage The first stage of culture shock is often overwhelmingly positive during which travelers become infatuated with the language, people and food in their new surroundings. 2. The Frustration Stage At this stage, the fatigue of not understanding gestures, signs and the language...
PASSAGE 29: The 4 Stages of Culture Shock Living abroad can be an exhilarating experience that encourages new world views, increases cultural curiosity and supports willingness to explore unfamiliar terrains. However, it may also invite a sense of feeling a little lost in the world. Culture sho...
•Synthesis-Integratesorcombineselementsofthetwocultures,suchascombiningU.S.dressandthatofthePhilippines.* StagesofCulturalShock Stage1:Excitementandfascinationwiththenewculture;the"honeymoon"stage.Stage2:Crisisordisenchantmentperiod;excitementhasturnedtodisappointment.Stage3:Adjustmentphase;youbegintoacceptthenew...
For example, some of the newly acquired customs are not in use in the old culture. You have been away for a long time and may find that you are no longer completely comfortable in your home country.A.Reunion stage.B.Regression stage.C.Usually, there are five stag...
2culture shock: is the sense of dislocation and the problems, psychological and even physical, that result from the stress of trying to make the hundreds of adjustments necessary for living in a foreign culture. Stages of Culture Shock Culture shock has many stages. Each stage can be ongoing...
Chapter 4 Cultural Shock:4章文化休克 Chapter4 CulturalShock InterculturalBusinessCommunication,4thed.,Chaney&Martin UponCompletionofthisChapter •Understandthenatureofculturalshockanditsrelationshiptosuccessinoverseaswork •Beabletoidentifythetypicalstagesofcultureshock •Learnwaystoalleviateculturalshockincluding...
3.WhataresomeofthedifferencesbetweenAsianandEuropeancultures?Givesomeexamples.4.Whatroledoyouthinkcultureplaysinlanguagelearning?PartI:Lead-in SectionB:UsefulWordsandExpressions cultureshock文化震撼,文化冲击shock冲击,震撼anxiety忧虑,焦虑frustration挫折host主人,东道主excessive过多的,过度的unique独特的adjustto...
cultureshock跨文化交际PPT教学讲义 Survivingamongaliens:ManagingCultureShock CultureShock WhoamI Howtoadapttoaninternationalexchangeexperiencesuccessfully Purpose:1.WhatiscultureShock ▪Symptoms▪Stages▪Causes 2.Howtocopewithit ▪Generalstrategies▪Observe&modifyyourownwaysofdoing things ▪Verbal&non-verbal...