一 L6χl0 - -X WeRnp M㈤= -4:SinJSinA,、 ,一 Ch 叩 ter 2 M 乂 1054 10 )7, 2、.67xl0:)(0.5xl0: 『 = 3.939χl0 - J AL 3.939KIo-H IC.L V ∆f = = 2.46 10 eV 1.6χl0 ° A: +尢 2.33 44上 r = ι-R = r = 铲号(£-匕加用=。 化+4) 2.34 W:(X)=...
testleadsiftheyaredamaged,ifthereisexposedmetal,orifawearindicatorshows. Examinetheexterioroftheproductbeforeyouuseit.Lookforcracksormissingpieces. Useonlyspecifiedreplacementparts. Donotoperateinwet/dampconditions Beawarethatcondensationmayoccurifaunitismovedfromacoldtoawarmenvironment. Donotoperateinanexplosiveatmo...
您可以手动屏蔽缺失数据以恢复整数 dtype: def cfun(x):return int(x) if x else -1pd.read_excel("path_to_file.xls", "Sheet1", converters={"MyInts": cfun}) Dtype 规范 作为转换器的替代方案,可以使用dtype关键字指定整个列的类型,它接受一个将列名映射到类型的字典。要解释没有类型推断的数据,...
text-python-pil) # If `random_space` is enabled, some text will be drawed char by char with a random space random_space: enable: false fraction: 0.3 min: -0.1 # -0.1 will make chars very close or even overlapped max: 0.1 # Do remap with sin() # Currently this process is very ...
Amazon.com reserves the right to test "dead on arrival" returns and impose a customer fee equal to 15 percent of the product sales price if the customer misrepresents the condition of the product. Any returned computer that is damaged through customer misuse, is missing parts, or is in ...
Advanced Configuration and Power Interface Specification, Version 2.0 Advanced Configuration and Power Interface Specification, Version 1.0b The PCI Local Bus Specification, Version 2.3 PCI Express* Specification, Version 1.1 Location http://www.intel.com/assets/pdf/ specupdate/319971.pdf http://www....
Positively stained cells per section were scored on a 1 to 4 scale (1 if <1%, 2 if 1% to 10%, 3 if 11% to 50%, and 4 if 51% to 100%). The results were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis test. Data are expressed as mean score ranks ± 95% confidence intervals. ∗P < 0.05, ...
Cells were judged to be sensitive if the ratio value increased by greater than 10% of the resting level after chemical application. Only cells responsive to high potassium were included for analysis. After the experiment, coverslips were etched with a diamond pen to provide landmarks for ...