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Sinensky, M. Temperature control of phospholipid biosynthesis in Escherichia coli. J. Bacteriol. 106, 449–455 (1971). CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Meyers, P. A. Applications of organic geochemistry to paleolimnological reconstructions: a summary of examples from the Laurentian Great...
39. Also, autophagy has been linked to steady-state abundance of FLS2 and with stomatal movements40,41. Thus, we decided to test autophagic flux innet4abdouble mutant andrabg3bupon flg22 treatment. Autophagic flux is defined as the rate of delivery...
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The aim of this study was to develop a valid and reliable academic achievement test for the 4th grade "Properties of Matter" unit by taking into account the learning outcomes in the current science curriculum. In the study, the survey model, one of the quantita...
Nurbanu ŞerenMustafa Doğru Jun 2018 0被引用 0笔记 共1个版本 开学季特惠,9月3日-11月30日,专业版用户每周AI豆3倍膨胀,快来领取吧! 摘要原文 Fen egitiminde kavramlarin kazandirilmasina yonelik olarak zihinsel modeller onemli bir yer tutmaktadir. Cunku ogrencilerin fen bilimleri hakkinda sa...
Fiskin uti fagran vatni og sildi søkir hav, mang ein helsar mågin sin og veit så litid af. Fiskin uti fagran vatni, og ikonn up i tre, alle så heve dei makamann, men ingin så heve eg. Eg fòr vilt i veduskogin kringum ein elvesteine, jutuldottri narrad meg,...
W elt rieg , in d em d ie D eu t sch en E n g lan d m it B om b en an g egr iffen h ab en . D er fr em d e D eu t sch e h at im m er n o ch das G efiih l, zu den F ein d en zu g eh dr en , ob w oh l er zu r Z eit des K rieg e s...