Park Regis by Prince Singapore, is a a 4-star hotel near Clarke Quay & Orchard Road with premium rooms, pool & buffet breakfast. Book Direct.
*Galaxy Tab Active4 Pro and its S Pen each feature an IP rating of 68. IP68 device is water resistant up to 1.5 meters of freshwater submersion and dust-tight to withstand dust, dirt and sand. Not advised for beach or pool use. Clean residue/dry after wet. Subject to proper use...
17:30 鸭子船后返回酒店,等待天黑后乘坐摩天轮,晚上可观赏夜景; 19:00 摩天轮Singapore Flyer(全程半小时),距离酒店360米,每天8:00-22:30,最后一轮22:15。 地址:30 Raffles Ave, Singapore 交通:地铁Promenade站; 20:30 双螺旋桥Double Helix Bridge 摩天轮下来走几步即可到达双螺旋桥。 地址:Double Helix Brid...
01Arrival SingaporeTransfer to hotel 02SingpaporeThe former Parliament House, the Victoria Theatre, the Old Supreme Court Building, Chinatown,Little India, Singapore Botanic Gardens 03SingaporeHalf day Singapore Culinary Tour 04Departure SingaporeTransfer to airport ...
下午我们去了新闻艺术部大厦,地址在140 Hill Street, Singapore。乘坐地铁东西线或南北线在City Hall站下车,步行10-15分钟即可到达。珍宝海鲜克拉码头店斜对面就是。⛪ 圣安德烈教堂 St. Andrew’s Cathedral接着去了圣安德烈教堂,地址在1 St. Andrew's Road, Singapore。开放时间是9:00-17:00(周一-周六),9...
Mr Gerald Giam Yean Songasked the Minister for Home Affairs (a) whether there has been an increase in the number of artificial intelligence voice cloning scams in Singapore; (b) how many of such scams have occurred this year to date; and (c...
购买Singapore tourist pass以便利用新加坡的公共交通。 Singapore tourist pass是种专门为游客设计的通行卡,可以无限次搭乘 地铁、轻轨、巴士。✔可以搭地铁「SMRT」、轻轨列车「LRT」及公交车 ✖ 不适用于圣淘沙轻轨「Sentosa Express」、特快「Fast Forward」、牛车水直通「Chinatown direct」、夜间巴士「Night Rider」...
今天一日的行程都是在新加坡环球影城!记得提前下载【Universal Studio Singapore】APP,这样可以随时查看排队时间、表演时间、合影时间,还有地图和定位功能,非常方便。 午餐时间可以前往园区外面的马来西亚小吃街,人均20新币就能吃好。推荐【Mel's Drive-In】餐厅,美食超级美味。如果不想在园区内吃饭,可以带一些干粮,园区...
Please log in using an institutional account to see if you have access to view or download this content. For more information see Showing a limited preview of this publication: © 2018 ISEAS–Yusof Ishak Institute/Singapore ...
您可从各种饮品中随意挑选,来配合自己当时的任何心情;或者只是静静看着形形色色的客人在安静的大堂酒廊中来来往往。 了解详情 池畔酒吧 在池畔酒吧沐浴阳光,畅享整个白天提供的户外休闲用餐体验和清爽怡人的鸡尾酒。 了解详情 Spices Café餐厅 这间殖民地与皇家风情交织、氛围优雅的餐厅,白天供应当地风味自助餐,晚上则...