Increasing emissions of carbon dioxide seriously effect global warming and encourages dangerous climate change. Only greater energy efficiency and more eco-friendly solutions will save our planet.
The eco4life brand offers a broad range of innovative smart home products, connectivity solutions and services to keep your home efficient and secure.
Eco4Cloud seals a multi-year global contract with Telecom Italia, Italy’s #1 player in technological infrastructures and platforms, advanced telecommunications services, and ICT and Media solutions. The deployment of Eco4Cloud’s solution for energy saving, monitoring, capacity planning, orchestration ...
GREEN ENERGY EXPO & ROMENVIROTEC,已在罗马尼亚市场上成为最大的可再生能源和环保博览会,受益于150多个国际和当地品牌的存在,并将ROMEXPO的B2馆转变为可再生能源生产的最大技术创新中心:太阳能,风能,热能和沼气以及环境保护。绿色能源博览会和ROMENVIROTEC将于2025年4月11日至13日开幕,这将是罗马尼亚第一个向展...
to adhere to the goals and principles set out in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement; actively increase the proportion of renewable energy, promote the clean, low-carbon and efficient use of traditional energy, and accelerate the formation of green and...
碳捕获是将工业活动产生的二氧化碳(CO2)封存在地下的技术,该工艺已得到雪佛龙、西方石油公司和Talos Energy等石油公司的青睐。埃克森美孚每年将从CF工业公司位于密西西比州亚祖市的综合工厂运输并储存多达50万公吨的二氧化碳。该综合工厂生产用于农业肥料的氮产品。埃克森美孚在一份声明中表示,该项目将使CF Industries 将该...
Individuals should lead on environmental protection because we can drive cultural change. By making green lifestyle choices - reducing energy, taking public transit, minimizing waste - we set an example and normalize sustainability. And by purchasing...
It has introduced the energy-saving index into the performance evaluation system of eco-environmental progress and green development, to guide the transformation of the development philosophy. It breaks down the dual control targets of total energy consumption and energy intensity for key energy ...
GreenVividCoreTimelessGo-KartBalanceTrailPersonal Green Mode With a focus on the essential details, this green-hued mode is designed to bring you back down to Earth and highlights the more sustainable side to MINI mobility. Safety PROTECTIVE ...
average households use compact fluorescent lamps to save energy. Moreover, eco-conscious citizens can even raise environmentalawareness. Consider Rachel Louise Carson, an American conservationist whose bookSilent Springhas led to a nationwide ban on DDT and inspired global green movements. Such case rei...