The cyclisation of a few phenylbenzoylaminoacetic acids leads to the formation of separable tautomers. The equilibrium oxazolin-5-one ⇆ oxazolium-5-oxide is highly dependent on the substituent at position 2.A. MaquestiauY. van Haverbeke...
J. (1906), Sur les transpositions atomiques intramoléculaires: (Cinquième Mémoire): Transformation de la 4.4′.4″.4‴. tétrachlorobenzopinacoline en s-4.4′.4″.4‴. tétrachlorotétraphényléthane. Recl. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas Belg., 25: 379–410. doi: 10.1002/recl.19060251202 ...
A penta-2,4-dienylphosphine oxide is easily obtained by reaction of methylmagnesium iodide with 1-oxa-2-phosphacyclo-hepta-4,6-diene followed by two more intermediate steps. The corresponding phosphine may be obtained either by trichlorosilane reduction of the oxide or nickelocene reduction–...
This model taking into account of all HFER zeolite characteristics, in particular of it shape selectivity for isobutene formation.Guía de Fuentes de Información para la OsteoporosisBibliogr
We present the realization of a multiwavelength laser system which exploits the achromaticity of micro-mirrors for the generation of tunable radiations in the visible spectre. Finally, we study the development of tunable multipole reject band fi...
Die Makromolekulare ChemieEURICO DE BARROS LOBO FILHOA, DANIELE REYX, IRENE CAMPISTRON, PIERRE-FRANCOIS CASALS: " Degradation controlee des polyisoprenes-1,4 par le couple phenylhydrazine/oxygene, 1 ", DIE MAKROMOLEKULARE CHEMIE, vol. 186, no. 10, October 1985 (1985-10), pages 2037-204...
doi:10.1002/hlca.19480310718Yves-René Naves
Astronomische NachrichtenCamillo Flammarion
aza-2-diènes-1,3 4. préparation et propriétés d'alkyl-1-pyrazone-imines et de leurs isomères2-Aza-1,3-dienes. Synthesis and Properties of 1-Alkylpyrazone-imines and their Tautomersdoi:10.1002/hlca.19860690510Marc LangLaboratoire de Synthèse et de Photochimie Organiques (Unité Associée...
doi:10.1002/hlca.19480310718NavesYves‐RenéWILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbHHelvetica Chimica Acta