Support for GCODE Files AddedJul 04, 2024Read more Image to 3D Model Automatic Background RemovalJun 05, 2024Read more New 3D Model Designer ToolMay 31, 2024Read more New File Merge ToolApr 22, 2024Read more About this SiteLatest NewsTutorials3D PrintingPrivacy PolicySite MapContact Usinfo@im...
Support for GCODE Files AddedJul 04, 2024Read more Image to 3D Model Automatic Background RemovalJun 05, 2024Read more New 3D Model Designer ToolMay 31, 2024Read more New File Merge ToolApr 22, 2024Read more
gcode, stl, obj, glb, mf, model, png, gx, 3dmf, f3d, jpg, mp4, txt Collegamenti correlati: Specifiche 3MF Un file Dati di stampa 3D 3mf è un formato file speciale di Microsoft e deve essere modificato e salvato solo con il software appropriato. Come...
STL and GCode viewer from Microsoft Leo August 11, 2018, 12:08am 2 Above updated to note that .3mf also works, however it seems to be limited to .3mf files created by Microsoft's own tools. Unlike the other formats, none of the third party .3mf samples I found on the web wor...
Support for GCODE Files AddedJul 04, 2024Read more Image to 3D Model Automatic Background RemovalJun 05, 2024Read more New 3D Model Designer ToolMay 31, 2024Read more New File Merge ToolApr 22, 2024Read more New 3D Formats Added Including ASE, LDRAW, VOX and MoreApr 12, 2024Read more...
GLB Converter Updates and QOI Support AddedRead more Support for GCODE Files AddedJul 04, 2024Read more Image to 3D Model Automatic Background RemovalJun 05, 2024Read more New 3D Model Designer ToolMay 31, 2024Read more New File Merge ToolApr 22, 2024Read more...