FRB-NT复合系列(FRB-NT/Polyester/FRB-NT 贴合):聚酯薄膜复合产品,用于家电和照明。FRB-NC复合系列 (FRB-NC/Polyester/FRB-NC贴合):聚酯薄膜复合产品, 成本较低。产品特性 FRB系类产品的特性:技术参数 阻燃绝缘片(FRB)相关的技术参数:产品应用 3M™阻燃绝缘片系列产品的应用于以下领域的阻燃绝缘用:通用...
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唯样商城为您提供3M设计生产的FRB-NT127-ROLL-5M 元器件,主要参数为:,FRB-NT127-ROLL-5M库存充足,购买享优惠!
Typical Properties for FRB-NT Laminates Technical information provided consists of typical product data and should not be used for specification purposes. All tests are performed at room temperature unless otherwise noted. Property Units Test Method ...
制造商型号: FRB-NT254-ROLL-10M 制造商: 3M 产品类别: 五金配件 商品描述: FLAME BARRIER FRB-NT 3'X225' 供货: 货期 工作日(7-10天) 渠道: digikey 服务: 锐单发货及售后,顺丰快递,在线客服 客服: 立即咨询 询价 提示: 联系在线客服,获得更多FRB-NT254-ROLL-10M价格库存等采购信息!
Options available 3M™ ThermaVolt Insulating Paper Laminate TvF Options available 3M™ Flame Barrier FRB-NT Options available 3M™ ThermaVolt TvFTv Calendered Inorganic Insulating Paper Laminate 9 mil(3+3+3) 3M Stock B5005035267 UPC 00638060412633...
制造商型号: FRB-NT127-8.5X11 制造商: 3M 产品类别: 五金配件 商品描述: FLAME BARRIER 8.5"x11" 1=1SHEET 供货: 货期 工作日(7-10天) 渠道: digikey 服务: 锐单发货及售后,顺丰快递,在线客服 客服: 立即咨询 询价 提示: 联系在线客服,获得更多FRB-NT127-8.5X11价格库存等采购信息!
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唯样商城为您提供3M设计生产的FRB-NT178-ROLL-7M 元器件,主要参数为:,FRB-NT178-ROLL-7M库存充足,购买享优惠!
As you drive the future of eMobility, 3M will be by your side from design to delivery and beyond. Explore ePowertrain design challenges Cell-to-cell thermal runaway propagation and vent path protection solutions Help mitigate thermal runaway propagation and protect your venting pathway in your ba...