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We have a complete family of auto body fillers and glazes to meet your every need – from pinhole-preventing 3M™ Platinum™ Select to fast-grabbing Quick Grip body fillers. View All Body Filler & Glazes Products Process Guides for Collision Repair ...
3M™ Wool Polishing Pads combine the fast, sharp cut of wool with fine blended fibers for attaining high gloss on composite surfaces during auto body repair. The double-sided pad features a soft edge to protect body lines, and firm, lightweight center
3M RUBBING COMPOUND PERFECT-IT II GALLON Add $9784current price $97.843M RUBBING COMPOUND PERFECT-IT II GALLON TotalBoat TotalBuff Marine Rubbing Compound (Quart) | Removes Heavy Oxidation and Scratches | Aggressive Fast Cut Liquid Formula for Fiberglass Gelcoat & Paint Restoration on Boats and...
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3M Airway Buffing Wheels说明书 POLISHING WHEELS:AWO -Orange Airway AWB -Blue Baron Airway AWY -Fast Cut Airway AWY -Yellow Airway AWG -Green Airway AWP -Purple Airway AWW -White Airway Untreated SAFETY FIRST:Always use safety flanges with any buffing wheel that has a metal center plate 1PRO...
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Eliminate the toughest baked-on messes with a scrub sponge that scrubs fast and stays clean. Scrub dots cut through messes and rinse clean. Even eggs and cheese won't stick. Fill up the dishwand (sold separately) with your favorite dish soap and effortlessly wipe away grease and grime. ...
-Comply™ allows air to exit through air release channels to the edge of the film for fast, easy, bubble-free installations •Gloss and high gloss color films have a clear protective film layer:-Reducing surface impressions and increasing scratch resistance during installation -Enabling installers...