EC2216 参数 Datasheet PDF下载 型号: EC2216 PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源 内容描述: 思WeldTM环氧胶粘剂 [Scotch-WeldTM Epoxy Adhesive] 分类和应用: 文件页数/大小: 9页 / 31 K 品牌: 3M [ 3M ELECTRONICS ]3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Epoxy Adhesive 2216 B/A Handling/Curing Information (...
EC-7202 3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Acrylic Adhesive DP8425NS 0.0 (0) 0.0 out of 5 stars. Options available 3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Epoxy Adhesive EC-1751 B/A Options available 3M™ Rearview Mirror Adhesive 3.0 (2) 3.0 out of 5 stars. 2 reviews ...
Depending on formulation, 3M structural adhesives are available in a variety of cartridge sizes, 5-gallon pails, and 55-gallon drums. You can apply manually or with automated bulk systems.Q6 To what environment will the bonded part be exposed? Remember that in general, epoxies hold up the bes...
( very good) 不凹陷 (non-dim pling)很差 (very poor)很好 ( very good) 对设备的匹配性 (com patible w ith很 差 (very poor)很好 ( very good) inexpensive spray gun) 适用面 (versatility)广 (w ide)窄 (narrow ) 规格 (packaging)5, 55gallonQ t, 1, 5, 55gallon 居室居室, 船舶船舶,...
2216 B/A Gray •2216 B/A Tan NS •2216 B/A Translucent Product Description3M TM Scotch-Weld TM Epoxy Adhesive 2216 B/A Gray, Tan NS and Translucent are flexible, two-part, room temperature curing epoxies with high peel and shear strengths. Advantages•Excellent for bonding many metals...
a variety of cartridge sizes, 5-gallon pails, and 55-gallon drums. You can apply manually or with automated bulk systems. 2 1 Product (Color) Key Features Mix Ratio (Volume) B:A Approximate Viscosity 75°F (24°C) (cps) Approximate ...
(Markets Applications) 3 FB-100与 FB-2000 --- 覆盖面积 (coverage) 计算方法 胶体积(gallon) X 比重(Ibs/gallon) X 含固量% X 454 (g) 覆盖面积(sq. ft) = --- (coverage) 每平方尺施胶量 (g/ sq. ft) FB-100 覆盖面积: 980 sq. ft FB-2000覆盖面积: 680 sq. ft 水分散型胶粘剂 -...