Non-metallic, inorganic solids that are prepared from powdered materials and are fabricated into products through the application of heat. Characteristic properties are hardness, strength, brittleness, and low electrical conductivity.
Our ceramic systems, materials and components provide effective, trusted solutions for transportation, oil and gas, fuel cells, electronics, and even space exploration. In many ways, ceramics are uniquely suited to the challenges of these demanding applications. Lightweight and intrinsically hard, 3M ...
Lightweight ceramic fabrics and fibers that are used in processing and manufacturing applications. They have high temperature, fire, chemical, and electrical and abrasion resistance.
爱车的你,肯定一直饱受着车漆养护的困扰。车漆“娇贵”,养护“费钱”,洗车、打蜡、镀晶...十八般武艺过后,依旧还是累了车漆,苦了钱包。于是近年来像隐形车衣等汽车膜类产品成了车漆保护中的“新贵”,正以大众化消费品的姿态进入我们的日常生活。 尽管它们大都有着优异的物理防护性能,但一段时间后,也还是会出...
3M Roofing Granules are ceramic-coated minerals used as abrasive surfacing material in asphalt roofing products. These granules are colored with durable pigments, bonded in a ceramic matrix, and treated to promote adhesion to asphalt. Take a look at thedifferent color options we offer!
爱车的你,肯定一直饱受着车漆养护的困扰。车漆“娇贵”,养护“费钱”,洗车、打蜡、镀晶...十八般武艺过后,依旧还是累了车漆,苦了钱包。于是近年来像隐形车衣等汽车膜类产品成了车漆保护中的“新贵”,正以大众化消费品的姿态进入我们的日常生活。 尽管它们...
横空出世!3M Ceramic coating致力成为膜品养护市场“领跑者”随着人民生活水平的不断提高、我国汽车工业的快速发展,汽车早已走进千家万户。与此相辅相成的是,人们对汽车的舒适度、美观以及对车身车漆的重视程度与保护需求也在不断增加,汽车膜产品正成为越来越普及的刚性汽车类消费品。根据公开数据预测,未来5-10年内...
3M Ceramic coating致力成为膜品养护市场“领跑者” 随着人民生活水平的不断提高、我国汽车工业的快速发展,汽车早已走进千家万户。与此相辅相成的是,人们对汽车的舒适度、美观以及对车身车漆的重视程度与保护需求也在不断增加,汽车膜产品正成为越来越普及的刚性汽车类消费品。
雅加达— 3M Indonesia 正在扩大其产品线,以向该国消费者提供产品线,于周二(2022 年 6 月 28 日)在雅加达发布 3M Ceramic IM 系列车窗膜。提供给消费者的价格约为 400 万印尼盾。这款来自 3M 的最新车窗膜产品据称可提供高达 99.9% 的紫外线防护。3M Indonesia 正在扩大其产品线,以在雅加达发布 3M ...